4 new executive programmes for the academic year 2019/2020

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Summer is coming, and so is our next academic year. With 3 new executive programmes: 

> University Certificate in Louvain Innovation (Prof. Benoit Gailly):

In the real world of innovation, good ideas are not enough, stopping projects is virtually impossible and people and initiatives running out of breath is the rule rather than the exception.

Welcome to the real world of innovation, which calls for ever more transversal skills, such as business planning, leadership, strategic intelligence, knowledge management, intellectual property - as well as responsible management.

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> University Certificate in Management Humain Innovant (Prof. Laurent Taskin):

No organization is immune to changes in work and the economy. Organizations are changing but many evils are observed (stress, burnout, absenteeism, disengagement). Workers and managers are waiting for another meaningful management style to reinvest themselves. The certificate in Innovative Human Management developed by UCLouvain aims to help you identify these new levers to combine economic and human performance.

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> University Certificate in Gouvernance et Droit des Sociétés et Associations (Prof. Michel De Wolf)

The training is part of the ongoing training of professionals involved in the legal and tax management of companies and associations. More specifically, the target audience has the following functions:

- The professionals of the figure: company auditors, chartered accountants, accountants
- The professionals of the law: magistrates, lawyers, notaries, company lawyers
- The directors and managers of companies and associations
- The compliance officers

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> University Certificate in Normes IAS/IFRS

IAS/IFRS is the mandatory standard for the preparation of consolidated financial statements of listed companies in the European Union. Belgium allows unlisted companies to prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with IAS/IFRS. However, it requires credit institutions and insurance companies to do so, even in the absence of a stock exchange listing. This standard also has an impact on the Belgian consolidated subsidiaries: many of these subsidiaries are required to report under IAS/IFRS standards within the group to which they belong. 

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Publié le 04 juillet 2019