Common lessons of the master's degree in law [65.0]
Unités d'enseignement obligatoires (23 credits)
Teaching units of your choice (12 credits)
The student choose three of the following unitsCours en langue au choix
L'étudiant.e choisit obligatoirement un cours en néerlandais et obligatoirement un cours en anglais :
Unité d'enseignement FR/NL
Unité d'enseignement FR/EN
Enjeux du développement durable (5 credits)
LBIR2050A Challenges of sustainable development and transition
Ne peut être dissocié de LDROI1513, les deux doivent être suivis ensemble
LDROI1513 Enjeux du développement durable et de la transition : activité spécifique à la Faculté de droit et de criminologie - Sustainable development and transition challenges : legal perspectives (complement to the MOOC)
Ne peut être dissocié de LBIR2050A, les deux doivent être suivis ensemble
Tutorial (3 credits)
L'étudiant.e est tenu.e de réaliser un travail pratique LDROI 2110; la matière sera au choix de l'étudiant.e et en fonction des places disponibles dans les groupes entre droit international public, droit international privé, droit de la sécurité sociale, droit des sociétés, droit patrimonial de la famille, droit fiscal et droit de l'insolvabilité.
q1 or q2 0h+8h 3 credits
Thesis (19 credits)
q2 15h 2 credits
> Marie-Aude Beernaert
> Nicolas Bonbled
> Charles-Hubert Born
> Vincent Callewaert
> Louis-Léon Christians
> Philippe Coppens
> Henri Culot
> Pierre d'Argent
> Nathalie Dandoy
> Bertrand De Coninck
> Yves De Cordt
> Nicolas de Sadeleer
> Olivier De Schutter
> Werner Derycke
> Marie-Noëlle Derèse
> Frédéric Dopagne
> Filip Dorssemont
> Bernard Dubuisson
> Isabelle Durant
> Christine Flamand
> Daniel Flore
> Stéphanie Francq
> Damien Gerard (compensates Anne-Lise Sibony)
> Mona Giacometti
> Jean-Marc Hausman
> Olivier Hermand
> Arnaud Hoc
> François Jongen
> Auriane Lamine
> Matthieu Lys
> Christelle Macq
> Enguerrand Marique
> Yseult Marique
> Thierry Moreau
> Bernard Mouffe (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Edouard-Jean Navez
> Suliane Neveu
> Denis Philippe
> Yannick Radi
> David Renders
> Céline Romainville
> Sylvie Sarolea
> Geneviève Schamps
> Jehanne Sosson
> Alain Strowel
> Fabienne Tainmont
> Christophe Thiebaut
> Edoardo Traversa
> Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck
> Raphael Van Steenberghe
> Marc Verdussen
> Pascale Vielle
> Kris Wauters
> Geoffrey Willems
> Patrick Wéry
Marie-Aude Beernaert
q1+q2 15 credits
Teaching units of your choice
The students in the second year of the master's degree chooses 10 credits of teaching units in the following list. Please note that he·she cannot take two teaching units from two different options:
q2 30h 5 credits
q2 30h 5 credits
> Jérôme De Hemptinne
> Jérôme De Hemptinne (compensates Raphael Van Steenberghe)
q1 30h 5 credits
q2 30h 5 credits
> Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Patricia Nouveau (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Alain Strowel (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
List of focuses
The professional focuses are taught during the first semester of the second year of the master's degree in law. However, the student is required to opt for a focus as soon as he enters the master's cycle, when he (re)registers at UCLouvain.
Professional Focus : Civil and Criminal Law [30.0]
q1 0h+8h 5 credits
Unités d'enseignement au choix de la finalité spécialisée : Droit civil et pénal
L'étudiant.e choisit 5 unités d'enseignement parmi:
q1 30h 5 credits
q1 30h 5 credits
q1 30h 5 credits
> Thierry Moreau
> Olivia Nederlandt (compensates Marie-Aude Beernaert)
Stage de pratique judiciaire (5 credits)
The student can replace one of their elective courses with an intership (90h - 5 ects).
q1 or q2 5 credits
Professional Focus : Company Law [30.0]
Unités d'enseignement obligatoires de la finalité spécialisée : Droit de l'entreprise (10 credits)
L'étudiant.e est tenu.e de suivre les unités d'enseignement suivantes:
q1 0h+8h 5 credits
UE au choix de la finalité spécialisée : Droit de l'entreprise
The student choose 5 lessons among:
q1 30h 5 credits
Stage de pratique juridique (5 credits)
The student can replace one of their elective courses with an intership (90h - 5 ects).
q1 or q2 5 credits
Professional Focus : European Law [30.0]
q1 0h+8h 5 credits
Unités d'enseignement au choix de la finalité spécialisée : Droit européen
Students must choose 5 lessons among:
q1 30h 5 credits
> Luc Leboeuf (compensates Stéphanie Francq)
> Enguerrand Marique (compensates Stéphanie Francq)
Stage de pratique juridique en droit européen
The student can replace one of their elective courses with an intership (90h - 5 ects).
q1 or q2 5 credits
Professional Focus : Public Law [30.0]
Mandatory to follow the tutorials
q1 0h+8h 5 credits
Unités d'enseignement au choix
The student must choose 5 units among:
Stage de pratique juridique en droit public et administratif (5 credits)
The student can replace one of their elective courses with an intership (90h - 5 ects).
q1 or q2 5 credits
Professional focus abroad (on selection)
Professional Focus : Transnational, Comparative and Foreign Law [30.0]
Echange droit transnational, comparé et étranger (30 credits)
Professional focus at KULeuven (on selection)
Professional Focus : Civil and Criminal Law - Privaatrecht en strafrecht [30.0]
This one-year focus is offered as part of a bilingual program organized with the KULeuven. This purpose is exclusively reserved for students whose application is accepted by the Vice-Dean for International Relations of the Faculty of Law and Criminology. Selected students will have to choose lessons related to the specialized focus up to 30 credits and a set of lessons of their choice up to 15 credits.
Echange - Droit privé et pénal (30 credits)
Professional Focus : Public Law - Publiekrecht [30.0]
This one-year focus is offered as part of a bilingual program organized with the KULeuven. This purpose is exclusively reserved for students whose application is accepted by the Vice-Dean for International Relations of the Faculty of Law and Criminology. Selected students will have to choose lessons related to the specialized focus up to 30 credits and a set of lessons of their choice up to 15 credits.
Echange - Droit public (30 credits)
Professional Focus : Company Law - Economish Recht [30.0]
This one-year focus is offered as part of a bilingual program organized with the KULeuven. This purpose is exclusively reserved for students whose application is accepted by the Vice-Dean for International Relations of the Faculty of Law and Criminology. Selected students will have to choose lessons related to the specialized focus up to 30 credits and a set of lessons of their choice up to 15 credits.
Echange - Droit économique (30 credits)
In the first year, the student is required to choose 15 credits from the same option. All options are annual and are taught during the second term.
In the second year, the student chooses 10 elective course credits (either two UEs of the same option, or one option UE and one UE of their purpose or another, or two UEs of their purpose, or one UE of its purpose and one UE of another purpose (from a predefined list)).
The student going on an exchange trip replaces his choice of teaching units for the second quadrimester of the second year with teaching units of his choice in his host university, up to a maximum of 15 credits and subject to the agreement of the Faculty.
Accidents et responsabilité [15.0]
Assurances [15.0]
Banque et finance [15.0]
q2 30h 5 credits
Commerce international [15.0]
Contrats et biens [15.0]
Environnement, urbanisme et cadre de vie [15.0]
Droit de la famille [15.0]
Droit fiscal [15.0]
In the first year of the master, the students must choose three of lessons among:
Droits de l'Homme - Human Rights [15.0]
Intellectual property and digital law [15.0]
In the first year of the master, the students must choose three lessons among:
LDROP2104 Clinic on European Digital Rights, Law, and Design
This course is suspended for the 2024-25 academic year.
q2 30h 5 credits
> Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Patricia Nouveau (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Alain Strowel (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
Public International Law [15.0]
In the first year of the master, the students must choose three lessons among:
q2 30h 5 credits
> Jérôme De Hemptinne
> Jérôme De Hemptinne (compensates Raphael Van Steenberghe)
Droit pénal international, européen et comparé [15.0]
Droit de la santé [15.0]
Droit social [15.0]
Theory of Law [15.0]
Private litigation in a global setting [15.0]
INEO, Interdisciplinary Program in Entrepreneurship
INEO is an option offered in 30 Master's programmes in 9 faculties at UCLouvain. In the Master in Law, you can take it as part of the professional focus: "Business Law". It involves writing an inter-faculty dissertation (as part of a team) on a business start-up project. Access to this option (and to each of the courses) is limited to students selected on the basis of a portfolio. For more information, visit https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/ineo
Option INEO (Formation interdisciplinaire en entrepreneuriat)
En bloc annuel I
Prérequis pour l'option INEO 1
L'étudiant.e n'ayant pas de prérequis en gestion devra suivre ce cours en plus des 15 crédits ci-dessus.
Option INEO (Formation interdisciplinaire en entrepreneuriat) (10 credits)
En bloc annuel II
The student in the second year of the master in Law choose two lessons among:
LINEO2003 Plan d'affaires et étapes-clefs de la création d'entreprise
Les séances du cours LINEO2003 sont réparties sur les deux blocs annuels du master. L'étudiant.e doit les suivre dès le bloc annuel I, mais ne pourra inscrire le cours dans son programme que lors du bloc annuel II.
Droit public et démocratie en action [15.0]
LDROP2192 Droit du financement de l'action publique - Public Finance Law
Dispensé pour partie en anglais
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
The content of the additional module in law meets the requirements of the decree of the Government of the French Community of Belgium of August 30, 2017, commonly called "passerelles decree". The student must follow all of these courses.
Module complémentaire pour les bacheliers en droit (Hautes Ecoles et Promotion sociale)
Cours obligatoires (57 credits)
q2 45h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Christelle Macq (compensates Marie-Aude Beernaert)
> Damien Vandermeersch (compensates Marie-Aude Beernaert)
Christelle Macq (compensates Marie-Aude Beernaert)
q1 60h+12h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Arnaud Hoc (compensates Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck)
> Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck
Travail dirigé (3 credits)
Travail dirigé (3 credits)
L'étudiant·e réalise un travail dirigé parmi les matières suivantes : droit constitutionnel, droit des obligations, droit pénal, droit de la procédure pénale, droit des personnes et de la famille, droit social, droit de l'entreprise, droit administratif, droits réels et intellectuels ou droit judiciaire.
q1+q2 0h+12h 3 credits
q1+q2 0h+12h 3 credits
Module complémentaire pour les bacheliers universitaires avec mineure d'accès en droit
LDROI1281 Legal Dutch
Ou bien l'étudiant·e suivra le LDROI1284 Nederlandse rechtstaal - Niveau avancé si son niveau le permet.
q1+q2 0h+12h 3 credits
q1 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Maxime Lambrecht (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Christophe Lazaro
q1 60h+12h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Arnaud Hoc (compensates Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck)
> Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck