Monte Carlo simulations


Monte Carlo simulations help to improve the accuracy of radiotherapy treatments and also to investigate novel treatment delivery and verification modalities. We have developed considerable expertise in the development of fast dose calculation tools for state-of-the-art treatments (TomoPen for tomotherapy, MCsquare for proton therapy). Moreover, Monte Carlo simlulations have been used in several applications related to dosimetry and treatment verification (computation of ion chamber correction factors, simulation of a prompt gamma imaging prototype).

It focuses on : 

  • Use of well-known general purpose Monte Carlo codes (EGSnrc, PENELOPE, Geant4) for advanced applications in dose calculation and dosimetry (computation of beam quality correction factors and calorimetry dosimetry correction factors)
  • Development of fast Monte Carlo codes for tomotherapy (TomoPen) and protontherapy (MCsquare)
  • Advanced statistical tools for evaluating the robustness of treatment plans against uncertainties, particularly in protontherapy