All EPL students must carry out a final project as part of the master's programme (a Master's thesis). The project is worth 25 credits. Its main purpose is to deepen the student's scientific and technical education. The project can be conducted according to two approaches:
- Master's theses with a development/technology component, in which the student carries out a largescale engineering task applied to the development of a product, service or installation.
- Master's theses with a research component, in which the student carries out a largescale research task to help understand or contribute to the resolution of an original theoretical or physical scientific question.
Would you like to propose a final project linked to a problem in your company?
For organisational purposes, final project subjects must fit in with an annual academic timetable:
- February: project promoters (EPL academics) prepare the project subjects
- Late March: students choose several options from the list of proposed subjects
- Early May: subjects are allocated to students
- September: students start work on the projects under the supervision of the EPL promoter.
Within this framework, you are welcome to submit subject proposals. However, there are a few requirements:
- Your subjects must be selected by an EPL academic, who will become the promoter of the project subject, working with you as a copromoter.
- To fit into the timetable above, we must receive your subjects before the beginning of February so that they can be chosen by an EPL academic/promoter and offered to students.
- If the subject is proposed by a promoter and selected by a student, it will be implemented in collaboration with you. A "dissertation in business" agreement will be formalised by the promoter, the student and you to cover the student in terms of insurance and define intellectual property and confidentiality arrangements.
Would you like to propose Master's thesis subjects?
Submit your proposals before the end of February.