Head of pole
Our group leaders
Philippe Hantson
PhD (1999) dealing with organ procurement after poisoning
Head of an intensive care unit specialized in clinical and analytical toxicology
Prof Hantson is attached to the MEDA pole and affiliated with LTAP.
Vincent Haufroid
Pharm D (1992), specialized in clinical chemistry (1997) and toxicology (1997)
PhD in toxicogenetics (2002) "Genotyping and penotyping of biotransformation enzymes for the interpretation of human biomonitoring of exposure to chemicals"
Full Member of the Académie royale de Médecine de Belgique
Editorial Committees :
- Louvain médical
- Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique (Elsevier)
- Acta Clinica Belgica (Taylor & Francis)
Teresinha Leal
1979 - MD, Fortaleza-Ceara, Brazil
1989 – PhD, Electrophysiology and Endocrinology, UCLouvain, Brussels - Belgium
2008 - European Postgraduation in Classical and Molecular Cytogenetics, Montpelier, France
2014 – Stanford Univesity, Bubble Imaging sweat test
2020 - Emeritus professor
Member of Editorial Board
World Journal of Critical Care Medicine (Baishideng Publishing Group)
World Journal of Respirology (Baishideng Publishing Group)
Journal of Lung Disease and Treatment (Hilaris)
Member of the Scientific Board of the French Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Vaincre la Mucoviscidose
Perrine Hoet
MD (1984) specialized in occupational medicine (1987) and toxicology (1989)
PhD in public health – orientation toxicology (2002) dealing with the hepatotoxicity of HCFC-123.
holder of the Lauwerys chair
Dominique Lison
MD (1981)
PhD (1994) Mechanisms of the lung toxicity of cobalt dusts (hard metals)
Director of the Louvain centre for Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology since 2009
Full member of the Académie royale de Médecine de Belgique
Associate editor :
- Archives of Toxicology (Springer);
- Particle and Fibre Toxicology (BioMed Central)
Cristina Pavan
Master in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technologies (University of Turin, 2012)
PhD in Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences
(University of Turin, 2016)
Scientific collaborator UCLouvain
Postdoctoral researcher University of Turin
Sybille van den Brule
Bioengineer (UCLouvain, 1997)
PhD (2002) Functional analysis of PDR-like ABC transporters in plants (ETH, Zürich)
Research Associate
Pierre Wallemacq
Our essential collaborators
Mathilde BEKA
Jean-François GEUENS
Nadtha PANIN
Technician/accounting and logistics
Amandine POCHET
Our Phd Students
I graduated in Medicine in 2010 at UCLouvain. Thereafter, I further specialized in Internal Medicine and got a certification in Infectious Diseases. I started as an infectious disease physician at Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc (Brussels) in 2017. Since November 2019, I share my time between clinics and the Louvain Centre for Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology where I started as a PhD student.
Research project
The main objective of my research project is to better define the inter-individual variability in terms of clinical and biological response towards Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors (INSTIs), an important antiretroviral drug class used in the treatment of HIV infection. Through in vitro studies and translational research, we will explore the role of pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenetics and gut microbiome in INSTIs efficacy and toxicity.
My bachelor and my master in biomedical sciences were both obtained at UCLouvain.
I first joined the LTAP team in 2018 during a one-week internship for my bachelor degree, and then for a year during my master degree.
I now have the opportunity to continue my research with a PhD.
Research project
I’m working in François Huaux's team, where we are trying to better understand how certain inhaled particles exert their toxicity. The goal is to better diagnose and treat individuals exposed to particles, but also to identify the particle characteristics which induce, or do not induce, toxic effects. For this, I study a very particular cell type, which seems to be involved in particle responses.
My thesis is entitled: "B-1 cells participate in local and systemic responses to inhaled toxic particles: development of an in vitro model for the prediction of toxicity and therapeutic targets."
After graduating in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, 2019), I started as a PhD student at the Louvain Centre for Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology in July 2020.
Research project
My thesis project consists in exploring the roles of host DNA in silica-induced and/or exacerbated autoimmune diseases. This doctoral thesis is part of the European project EXIMIOUS which aims to connect the Exposome and the Immunome and shed light on the association between exposure to environmental factors (specifically silica), free DNA and autoimmune diseases.
Laeticia PEREZ
After my bachelor in biomedical sciences (UCL, Brussels, 2018), I got a master degree in biomedical sciences specialized in toxicology (UCL, Brussels, 2020). My master thesis, conducted at LTAP, investigated the long-term effect of food nanoparticles on the gut microbiota and cardiometabolic health in mice. In July 2020, I started a PhD in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences at LTAP under the supervision of Profs. Dominique Lison and François Huaux.
Research project
Inhalation of poorly soluble low toxicity (PSLT) particles (e.g. titanium dioxide, carbon black) can induce lung cancer in rats but not mice at dose levels causing overload. As there are no robust data available to demonstrate or exclude adverse lung outcomes at overload doses in humans, some regulatory agencies have classified PSLT as possible carcinogens for humans. My thesis project consists of comparing alveolar macrophage responses of human, mice and rats to PSLT overload by applying untargeted transcriptomics and metabolomics. This approach will allow examining whether response pathways are similar or not between the three species and providing further clarification on the possible carcinogenicity of PSLT to humans.
Our post-docs & research assistants
After a M.Sc. in Industrial Biotechnology (2013), I worked at the Dept. of Public Health (University of Torino, Italy) as a Research Assistant.
In March 2018, I obtained a PhD in Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences at the “G. Scansetti” Centre, University of Torino, with a thesis focused on the investigation of the molecular mechanisms driving silica-induced toxicity, under the supervision of Prof. Bice Fubini and Dr. Francesco Turci. I carried out part of my PhD project at the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (University of Groningen, The Netherlands).
Research project
I joined LTAP in November 2019 as a Postdoctoral Fellow. My work focuses on the mechanisms that trigger cell responses leading to inflammation and immunogenic cell death, upon exposure to different inorganic fibers and particles.
- Lison D, Ambrose J, Leinardi R, et al., Systemic effects and impact on the gut microbiota upon subacute oral exposure to silver acetate in rats, Arch. Toxicol., 2021 (doi:10.1007/s00204-021-02998-1)
Pavan C, Santalucia R, Leinardi R, et al., Nearly free silanols are the critical moieties that initiate the toxicity of silica particles, PNAS, 2020, 117(45):27836-27846 (doi:10.1073/pnas.2008006117)
Orsi M, Al Hatem C, Leinardi R, Huaux F, Carbon nanotubes under scrutinity: their toxicity and utility in mesothelioma research, Appl. Sci., 2020, 10(13), 4513 (doi:10.3390/app10134513)
Leinardi R, Pavan C, Yedavally A, Tomatis M, Salvati A, Turci F, Cytotoxicity of fractured quartz on THP-1 human macrophages: role of the membranolytic activity of quartz and phagolysosome destabilization, Arch. Toxicol., 2020, 94, 2981-2995 (doi:10.1007/s00204-020-02819-x)
Marucco A, Aldieri E, Leinardi R, Bergamaschi E, Riganti C, Fenoglio I, Applicability and limitations in the characterization of poly-disperses engineered nanomaterials in cell media by Dynamic Light Scattering, Materials, 2019, 12(23):3833 (doi:10.3390/ma12233833)
Turci F, Pavan C, Leinardi R, Tomatis M, Pastero L, Garry D, Anguissola S, Lison D, Fubini B, Revisiting the paradigm of silica pathogenicity with synthetic quartz crystals: the role of crystallinity and surface disorder, Part. Fibr. Toxicol., 2016, 13(1):32 (doi:10.1186/s12989-016-0136-6)
Pastero L, Turci F, Leinardi R, Pavan C, Monopoli M, Synthesis of α-quartz with controlled properties for the investigation of the molecular determinants in silica toxicology, Cryst. Growth Des., 2016, 16(4):2394-2403 (doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00183)
Traversi D, Gorrasi I, Bonetta S, Leinardi R, Pietrangeli B, Carraro E, Gilli G, Green job bio-aerosol exposure during anaerobic digestion for biomass energetic valorization, Environ. Res., 2015, 138:425-431 (doi:10.1016/j.envres.2015.02.035)
More info
Dedicated, curiosity-driven, adaptable clinical research scientist, medically qualified and holder of a PhD in molecular neuroscience, with over 10 years of international research experience in biomedical sciences.
Interested in the physiopathology, pharmacology, treatment strategies, clinical trials and underlying molecular mechanisms for cellular toxicity, neurodegenerative disorders and pain.
Research project
I am currently investigating the relationship between intestinal microbiota and variabilities in the pharmacological response to immuno-suppressant therapy in renal transplant patients.
1. Alexandra L Degraeve, Serge Moudio, Vincent Haufroid, Djamila Chaib Eddour, Michel Mourad, Laure B Bindels & Laure Elens (2020) Predictors of tacrolimus pharmacokinetic variability: current evidences and future perspectives, Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology, 16:9, 769-782.
2. Moudio Serge, Rodin Fredrik and Hallbeck Martin, A preclinical model to study Lewy pathology in brain organotypic slice cultures, Nature Parkinson Journal, pre-accepted, Mars 2021.
3. Moudio Serge, Bushell Trevor. Neuroprotective properties of proteinase-activated receptor 2 in the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model, submitted.
4. Bushell Trevor, Cunningham Margaret Rose, McIntosh Kathryn, Moudio Serge, Plevin Robin. Proteinase-activated receptor 2: Are common functions in glial and immune cells linked to inflammation-related CNS disorders? Current drug targets 17(999) · December 2015.
Angélique MOTTAIS
After a master degree in genetics and molecular biology (Université Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France), I completed a thesis (2014-2017) on gene transfer applied to Cystic Fibrosis under the supervision of Pr Tristan Montier (MD, PhD) and Tony Le Gall (PhD) at INSERM unit 1078 in Brest (France). I developed multifunctional formulations, nebulizable with transfection and antibacterial activities.
Research project
In September 2018, I joined the "muco" team of the LTAP as a post-doctoral fellow to develop a new mouse model mimicking the pulmonary pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis patients and new therapeutic strategies.
Dhooghe, B.; Bouzin, C.; Mottais, A.; Hermans, E.; Delion, M.; Panin, N.; Noel, S.; Leal, T. Vardenafil Increases Intracellular Accumulation of the Most Prevalent Mutant Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CTFR) in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Biol. Open 2020, 9 (8). https://doi.org/10.1242/bio.053116.
Mottais, A.; Berchel, M.; Le Gall, T.; Sibiril, Y.; d’Arbonneau, F.; Laurent, V.; Jaffrès, P.-A.; Montier, T. Antibacterial and Transfection Activities of Nebulized Formulations Incorporating Long N-Alkyl Chain Silver N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes. Int. J. Pharm. 2019, 567, 118500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2019.118500.
Mottais, A.; Berchel, M.; Sibiril, Y.; Laurent, V.; Gill, D.; Hyde, S.; Jaffrès, P.-A.; Montier, T.; Le Gall, T. Antibacterial Effect and DNA Delivery Using a Combination of an Arsonium-Containing Lipophosphoramide with an N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Silver Complex - Potential Benefits for Cystic Fibrosis Lung Gene Therapy. Int. J. Pharm. 2018, 536 (1), 29–41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.11.022.
Mottais, A.; Le Gall, T.; Sibiril, Y.; Ravel, J.; Laurent, V.; d’Arbonneau, F.; Montier, T. Enhancement of Lung Gene Delivery after Aerosol: A New Strategy Using Non-Viral Complexes with Antibacterial Properties. Biosci. Rep. 2017, 37 (6). https://doi.org/10.1042/BSR20160618.
Berchel, M.; Lozach, O.; Berthe, W.; Hernot, S.; Couthon-Gourvès, H.; Mottais, A.; Gall, T. L.; Midoux, P.; Montier, T.; Jaffrès, P. A. Synthetic Phospholipids and Phospho-Bola-Amphiphiles for Nucleic Acid Delivery. Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. 2016, 191 (11–12), 1485–1487. https://doi.org/10.1080/10426507.2016.1212049.
Resnier, P.; Mottais, A.; Sibiril, Y.; Le Gall, T.; Montier, T. Challenges and Successes Using Nanomedicines for Aerosol Delivery to the Airways. Curr. Gene Ther. 2016, 16 (1), 34–46. https://doi.org/10.2174/1566523216666160104142013.
LTAP Alumni (former PhDs)
Cécile Lardot (1998)
Characterization of the plasminogen activator responses in experimental models of lung injury caused by particulate pollutants
(promoter : D. Lison)
François Huaux (1998)
Contribution of macrophage-derived cytokines in the pathogenesis of lung fibrosis induced by inhaled mineral particles. An experimental approach.
Fabrice Broekaert (2001)
Validation of serum Clara cell protein as a non-invasive test of lung epithelium damage caused by ambient ozone
(promoter A. Bernard)
Vincent Haufroid (2002)
Genotyping and phenotyping of biotransformation enzymes : towards a more accurate interpretation of biological monitoring of exposure to chemicals.
(promoter : D. Lison)
Perrine Hoet (2002)
Clinical and experimental investigations on the liver toxicity of 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123).
(promoter : D. Lison)
Mohammed Arras (2004)
Protection against lung inflammation and fibrosis in IL-9 transgenic mice
(promoter : D. Lison)
Virginie Barbarin (2004)
IL-10 is a profibrotic mediator in a mouse model of silicosis
(co-promoters D. Lison and F. Huaux)
Sébastien Fierens (2005)
Human exposure to dioxins and PCBs in Belgium : environmental, lifestyle and host factors influencing the body burden
(promoter A. Bernard)
Violaine Verougstraete (2005)
Evaluation of the health effects of cadmium : application of the systematic review
(co-promoters D. Lison and Ph. Hotz, University of Zurich).
Pierre-Damien Misson (2006)
Type-2 immune response s and macrophage phenotype in silica-induced lung fibrosis in mice
(co-promoters D. Lison and F. Huaux)
Jean-François Heilier (2006)
Environmental determinants of endometriosis : role of organochlorines and heavy metals
(co-promoters D. Lison and J. Donnez)
Julie Muller (2009)
Experimental studies on the respiratory toxicity of carbon nanotubes
(co-promoters D. Lison and M. Kirsch-Volders, VUB)
Giulia Giordano (2009)
The involvement of the innate immune system in the lung toxicity induced by crystalline silica particles in mice
(co-promoters D. Lison and F. Huaux)
Laure Elens (2010)
Pharmacogentics determinants of antiretroviral therapy
(promoters V. Haufroid and P. Wallemacq)
Joel Tuakuila (2010)
Biomonitoring de l’exposition aux polluants environnementaux dans la population de Kinshsa
(co-promoters D. Lison and P. Hoet)
Sandra Lo Re (2011)
Immunosuppressive regultatory T cells promote experimental lung fibrosis by producing growth factors
(promoter F. Huaux)
Erik Van Miert (2011)
Impact of the environment and lifestyle on the respiratory health of adolescents; application of non-invasive biomarkers of airway damage or inflammation
(promoter A. Bernard)
Bob Lubamba (2011)
Sildenafil and analogs as a potential therapy for of cystic fibrosis
(promoter T. Leal)
Anne-Catherine Lantin (2012)
Effects of occupational exposure to cobalt on the thyroid, the red blood cells and the myocardium : epidemiological study
(promoter P. Hoet)
Virginie Rabolli (2015)
IL-b expression and processing in lung responses to inhaled particles
(promoter F. Huaux)
Géraldine Dessilly (2016)
Impact des polymorphismes génétiques de la P-glycoprotéine sur le transport des immunosuppresseurs et des inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinases
(promoters V. Haufroid and J-B Demoulin)
Giulia Vietti (2016)
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of the pro-fibrotic activities of carbon nanotubes
(co-promoters : D. Lison and S. van den Brule)
Barbara Dhooghe (2016)
Understanding the mechanism of modulation of CFTR by vardenafil. A new road to basic therapies for cystic fibrosis
(promoter Teresinha Leal)
Leïla Belkhir (2017)
Pharmacogénétique et anti-rétroviraux : le cas du Darunavir et du Raltegravir
(promoters V. Haufroid and B. Vandercam)
Eleonora Scarcello (2020)
Cytotoxicity and endothelial dysfunction induced by iron-containing bioresorbable materials
(promoter : D. Lison)
Violaine Sironval (2020)
Respiratory toxicity of Li-ions battery components
(co-promoters : D. Lison and S. van den Brule)
Micaela Orsi (2021)
Characterization of a new intermediate macrophage sub-population : SDC-1 positive SPM-like macrophages possess immunosuppressive functions in early mesotheliomagenic responses to carbon nanotubes
(promoter : F. Huaux)