Industrial Organization in the Digital Economy

March 18, 2016

March 19, 2016

2 days

CORE, room b-135

Keynote speakers

Marc BOURREAU, Telecom ParisTech
Alain STROWEL, UCL and University Saint-Louis Brussels


This two-day workshop is targeted at PhD students and young postdoctoral scholars with an interest in the industrial organization of the digital economy. We welcome empirical and theoretical contributions related to the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics: multisided platforms, big data, net neutrality, digitization of payments, internet advertising, user-generated content, digital piracy, economics of privacy, reputation and recommender systems, open source software, sharing economy, etc.

Scientific Committee

Paul Belleflamme (CORE, UCL)
Axel Gautier (LCII, ULg and CORE)
Marc Bourreau (Telecom ParisTech)
Alain Strowel (UCL and University Saint-Louis Brussels)
Eric Toulemonde (Univeristy of Namur)
Xavier Wauthy (University Saint-Louis Brussels and CORE)


Registration is free but mandatory. Should you wish to register, please send an email to
Local expenses will be covered for the speakers (one speaker per paper presented).


Click here to download the program.


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