14.07.20 / Roxane De Hoe - Thesis defense on "Essays on the Intention to Recreate After a Business Exit"

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

The Rector of UCLouvain and the Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences announce that Ms Roxane De Hoe will publicly support her dissertation, for the title of Doctor in Economics and Management Sciences of UCLouvain.

Title: "Essays on the Intention to Recreate After a Business Exit"

"In business life, there has always been business creations and exits. However, for a long time, research has only been focused on the creation and the growth of businesses. Since a decade, scholars began to investigate business exit, which can be considered at the firm- or the entrepreneur-level.
The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to our understanding of determinants influencing the intention to recreate a business after a business exit. To this end, we have combined empirical and conceptual methodological approaches. All essays focus on complementary research questions expanding the overlapping and growing literature on habitual entrepreneurship, business exit, business failure and entrepreneurial ecosystem."

Tuesday 14.07.20, 10:00 @ Studio 11, Place Agora 19, Louvain-la-Neuve or online due to safety measures related to the coronavirus crisis
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Publié le 19 juin 2020