24.03.20 / Vu Nguyen Huynh Anh - Thesis defense on "A Requirements-Driven Framework Bridging Model-Based Strategic Representations with Software Development Practices"

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

The Rector of UCLouvain and the Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences announce that Mr Vu Nguyen Huynh Anh will publicly support his dissertation, for the title of Doctor in Economics and Management Sciences of UCLouvain.

Title: "A Requirements-Driven Framework Bridging Model-Based Strategic Representations with Software Development Practices"

Tuesday 24.03.20, 10:00 @ Louvain-la-Neuve / Salle Vaes, bâtiment Doyen

Warning: due to safety measures related to the coronavirus crisis, this event has been postponed.

Publié le 04 mars 2020