Acronym: Bparent
Isabelle Roskam (spokesperson)
Psychological Sciences Research Institute (IPSY, UCLouvain)
Alexandre Heeren
Psychological Sciences Research Institute (IPSY, UCL), Clinical Neuroscience Division (NEUR), Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS, UCLouvain)
Isabelle Aujoulat
Institute of Health and Society (IRSS, UCLouvain)
Aurore François
Institute for the Analysis of Change in Contemporary and Historical Societies (IACS, UCLouvain)
Moïra Mikolajczak
Psychological Sciences Research Institute (IPSY, UCLouvain)
Grant period
2019-2024, project financed by the FWB ARC grant
Objective and summary of the project
One may wonder whether a cultural system that has placed children's best interests at the center of its priorities could generate situations of significant vulnerability for some of them. This is the core question of the current research project. It is rooted in two inter-related observations: (1) the view of the child has evolved over the last century. The child is now viewed as a human subject with multiple rights: education, security, stability, health, well-being, expression, … (2) this evolution has led to a fast-growing expansion of the roles and duties of parents, who are rightly expected to provide support and warmth, avoid harsh punishment and coercion, and support the development of the child’s potential. Yet, the “good parental role” has been translated into a series of duties associated with competencies which, progressively, have objectified it as a full-time job doomed to success or failure. As it is conceptualized and formulated, the parental role is stringent, taxing, and often stressful. In this way, some parents may experience important and chronic stress that may increase the risk of parental burnout, which, in turn, could lead to a detrimental downstream cascade of consequences for children, including neglect and violence. However, uncertainty still abounds regarding the exact mechanisms whereby those phenomena interact. Consequently, the current project aims to clarify how a system promoting the children's well-being may foster such downstream harmful parental pressure, which, in turn, ultimately yields deleterious consequences for those it sought to protect.
To do so, four Work Packages (WPs), involving five disciplines, i.e., Cross-cultural Psychology, History, Public Health, Clinical Psychology, and Health Psychology, are proposed. The WPs bring together complementary backgrounds and methods, i.e. study of archives, quantitative surveys, laboratory studies, qualitative participatory research, and ecological sampling methods exploring parent-child interactions, which are combined to address common questions and achieve common goals. Based on the outputs of the WPs, a multilevel (i.e. historical, social, public health, and psychological) model of the antecedents, consequences, and moderators of parental burnout will be developed.
In sum, this interdisciplinary research project addresses novel and timely issues with far-reaching implications, ultimately setting up the scene for new research horizons, as well as co-constructed and meaningful practice implications, in the field of parental burnout.
Thèses et publications
Blanchard, M.A. (in preparation). Dissertation: The temporal dynamics of parental burnout and its ever-changing family context.
Dubois, AC. (in preparation). Dissertation: Questioning the lived experience of children exposed to parental burnout.
Lin, G.-X. (2023, in preparation). Tentative reasons of why Western parents are vulnerable to parental burnout [Doctoral dissertation]. University of Louvain (UCLouvain).
Roberti-Lintermans, M. (in preparation). Être de « bons » parents. Les transformations des rôles parentaux et de la régulation de leur exercice (Belgique, 1945-2015).
Blanchard, M. A. & Heeren, A. (2020). Why we should move from reductionism and embrace a network approach to parental burnout. New directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2020, 159-168.
Blanchard, M. A., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., & Heeren, A. (2021). A network approach to parental burnout. Child Abuse & Neglect, 111, 104826.
Blanchard, M. A., Contreras, A., Kalkan, R. B., & Heeren, A. (2022). Auditing the research practices and statistical analyses of the group-level temporal network approach to psychological constructs: A systematic scoping review. Behavior Research Methods, 1-21.
Blanchard, M.A. & Heeren, A. (2022). Ongoing and future challenges of the network approach to psychopathology: From theoretical conjectures to clinical translations. In G.J.G. Asmundson (Ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (2nd ed., vol. 11, pp. 32-46).
Chen, M.-T., Lin, G.-X., Lu, C., & Chang, Y.-P. (2022). Good Partners, Good Parents: Parent Relationship Satisfaction Predicts Parenting Efficacy for Young Children. Applied Research in Quality of Life. Advance online publication.
Dubois AC., Lahaye M. & Aujoulat, I. (2021). From research « on » to research « with » children about their family lives: a scoping review of ethical and methodological challenges. Child: Care, Health and Development. DOI:10.1111/cch.12937
François A. & Roberti-Lintermans M. (2021). Éléments pour une sociohistoire du burnout parental, Soins Pédiatrie - Puériculture : la revue de tous les acteurs du soin à l’enfant, 42, 323, 17-21.
François, A., & Roberti-Lintermans, M. (2022). Parentalité et prévention de la délinquance (XXe siècle) et Modèles éducatifs parentaux (1950-2015) dans Poutrin, I. & Lusset, E. (dir) Dictionnaire du droit de correction, Presses Universitaires de France.
Heeren, A., Lannoy, S., Coussement, C., Hoebeke, Y., Verschuren, A., Blanchard, M. A., Gierski, F., A network approach to the five-facet model of mindfulness, Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, 1, 1-11.
Kalkan, R.B., Blanchard, M. A., Mikolajczak, M., Roskam, I., Heeren, A. (2022). Emotional exhaustion and feeling fed up as the driving forces of parental burnout and its consequences on children: insights from a network approach. Current Psychology.
Lin, G.-X., Goldenberg, A., Arikan, G., Brytek-Matera, A., Czepczor-Bernat, K., Manrique-Millones, D., Mikolajczak, M., Overbye, H., Roskam, I., Szczygieł, D., Ustundag-Budak, A. M., & Gross, J. J. (2022). Reappraisal, social support, and parental burnout. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61(4), 1089–1102.
Lin, G.-X., Hansotte, L., Szczygieł, D., Meeussen, L., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Parenting with a smile: Display rules, regulatory effort, and parental burnout. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38(9), 2701–2721.
Lin, G.-X., Mikolajczak, M., Keller, H., Akgun, E., Arikan, G., Aunola, K., Barham, E., Besson, E., Blanchard, M. A., Boujut, E., Brianda, M. E., Brytek-Matera, A., César, F., Chen, B.-B., Dorard, G., dos Santos Elias, L. C., Dunsmuir, S., Egorova, N., Escobar, M. J., …, & Roskam, I. (2023, in press). Parenting Culture(s): Ideal-Parent Beliefs Across 37 Countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Lin, G.-X., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Disentangling the effects of intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional competence on parental burnout. Current Psychology. Advance online publication.
Lin, G.-X., & Szczygieł, D. (2022a). Perfectionistic parents are burnt out by hiding emotions from their children, but this effect is attenuated by emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111187.
Lin, G.-X., & Szczygieł, D. (2022b). Basic Personal Values and Parental Burnout: A Brief Report. Affective Science, 3(2), 498–504.
Lin, G.-X., Szczygieł, D., Hansotte, L., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Aiming to be perfect parents increase the risk of parental burnout, but emotional competence mitigates it. Current Psychology. Advance online publication.
Lin, G.-X., Szczygieł, D., & Piotrowski, K. (2022). Child-oriented perfectionism and parental burnout: The moderating role of parents’ emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 198, 111805.
Masquelier, J. & Roberti-Lintermans, M. (2023). Les mouvements éducatifs féminins et l’accueil des jeunes enfants en Belgique : concurrence des modèles familiaux et politiques, discours et expériences (1960-1980). Genre & Histoire, 31.
Park, L. E., Lin, G.-X., Chang, Y.-H., O’Brien, C., & Ward, D. E. (2022). Burning the candle at both ends: The role of financial contingency of self-worth and work-family conflict on job and parental well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 199, 111824.
Roberti-Lintermans, M. (2021). La contraception dans Femmes d’Aujourd’hui (1960-2010) : entre visibilisation et assignation de genre du travail procréatif. Enfances Familles Générations, 38.
Roberti-Lintermans, M. (2021). Parentalité : brève histoire d’un vocable et portée heuristique d’un concept (XX-XXIe siècle), Contemporanea, XLIII, 3.
Roberti-Lintermans, M. (under review, 2023). Autrefois reconnue, désormais méconnue : paradoxe autour de l’action de Marguerite Leblanc (Belgique 1901-1963) auprès des familles, Revue d’Histoire de l’enfance « irrégulière », 25.
Arikan, G., Üstündağ‐Budak, A. M., Akün, E., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2020). Validation of the Turkish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1– 18.
Aunola, K., Sorkkila, M., Tolvanen, A., Tassoul, A., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I., Development and validation of the Brief Parental Burnout Scale (BPBS), Psychological assessment, 2021, 33, 11, 1125–1137.
Bayot, M., Roskam, I., Gallée, L., & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). When emotional intelligence backfires: Interactions between intra- and interpersonal emotional competencies in the case of parental burnout. Journal of Individual Differences.é, M., Besson, E., Harfouche, J., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Parental Burnout in Lebanon: Validation Psychometric Properties of the Lebanese Arabic Version of the Parental Burnout Assessment. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1– 15.
Heeren, A., Bernstein, E.E., & McNally, R.J. (2020). Bridging maladaptive social self-beliefs and social anxiety: A network perspective. Journal of Anxiety disorders, 74, 102267.
Manrique-Millones, D., Vasin, G. M., Dominguez-Lara, S., Millones-Rivalles, R., Ricci, R. T., Abregu Rey, M., Escobar, M. J., Oyarce, D., Pérez-Díaz, P., Santelices, M. P., Pineda-Marín, C., Tapia, J., Artavia, M., Valdés Pacheco, M., Miranda, M. I., Sánchez Rodríguez, R., Morgades-Bamba, C. I., Peña-Sarrionandia, A., Salinas-Quiroz, F., Silva Cabrera, P., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2022). Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in Different Hispanic Countries: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 13., M., Aguiar, J., César, F., Braz, C. A., Barham, E. J., Leme, V., …, Fontaine, A. M. (2020). The Brazilian–Portuguese version of the Parental Burnout Assessment: Transcultural adaptation and initial validity evidence. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1– 17.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Emotion Regulation in Parenting. (in press). In J.J. Gross and B. Ford. Handbook of Emotion Regulation. New York: The Guilford Press.
Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2020). Parental burnout: Moving the focus from children to parents. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1– 7.
Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J. J., & Roskam, I., Beyond Job Burnout: Parental Burnout!, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2021, 25, 5, 333-336.
Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J.J., & Roskam, I. (in press) The Role of Parental ER in Parental Stress and Burnout. In I. Roskam, J.J. Gross & M. Mikolajczak. Emotion regulation and Parenting. Cambridge University Press
Mousavi, S.F., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2020). Parental burnout in Iran: Psychometric properties of the Persian (Farsi) version of the parental burnout assessment (PBA). New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1– 16.
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M, The Slippery Slope of Parental Exhaustion: A Process Model of Parental Burnout, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2021, 77,5.
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Gender Differences in the Nature, the Antecedents, and the Consequences of Parental Burnout. Sex Roles. doi: 10.1007/s11199-020-01121-5
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (Eds.). (2020) Nature and Measurement of Parental Burnout Around the World [Special Issue]. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, vol. 174. Wiley / Jossey-Bass : San Francisco, CA.
Roskam, I., Aguiar, J., Akgun, E., Arikan, G., Artavia, M., Avalosse, H., Aunola, K., Bader, M., Bahati, C., Barham, E. J., Besson, E., Beyers, W., Boujut, E., Brianda, M. -E., Brytek-Matera, A., Carbonneau, N., César, F., Bhen, B. B., Dorard, G., Mikolajczak, M., Parental burnout around the globe: A 42-country study. , Affective Science, 2021, 2, 58-79.
Roskam, I., Gallée, L., Aguiar, J., Akgun, E., Arena, A., Arikan, G., Aunola, K., Bader, M., Barham, E. J., Besson, E., Beyers, W., Boujut, E., Brianda, M. E., Brytek-Matera, A., Carbonneau, N., César, F., Chen, B.-B., Dorard, G., dos Santos Elias, L. C., … Mikolajczak, M. (2022). Gender Equality and Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(2), 157–178.
Roskam, I., Gross, J.J. & Mikolajczak, M. (2023). Emotion regulation and Parenting. Cambridge University Press.
Roskam, I., Philippot, P., Gallée, L., Verhofstadt, L., Soenens, B., Goodman, A., & Mikolajczak, M, I am not the parent I should be: Cross-sectional and prospective associations between parental self-discrepancies and parental burnout, Self and Identity, 2021, 1-26.
Roskam, I., Vancorenland, S., Avalosse, H., & Mikolajczak, M. (in press). The Missing Link Between Poverty and Child Maltreatment: Parental Burnout. Child Abuse and Neglect.
Stănculescu, E., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., Muntean, A., & Gurza, A. (2020). Parental burnout in Romania: Validity of the Romanian version of the parental burnout assessment (PBA‐RO). New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, , 1– 18.
Szczygieł, D., Sekulowicz, M., Kwiatkowski, P., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Validation of the Polish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1‐ 22.
Van Bakel, H., Bastiaansen, C., Hall, R., Schwabe, I., Verspeek, E., Gross, J.J., Ackerlund Brandt, J., Aguiar, J., Arikan, G., Aunola, K., Bajgarová, Z., Beyers, W., Bílková, Z., Boujut, E., Brytek- Matera, A., Chen, B-B., Dorard, G., Eom, M…., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2022). Parental Burnout Across the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Perspectives in Psychology, 11, 141-152.
Vertsberger, D., Roskam, I. Talmon, A., van Bakel, H., Hall, R., Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J, Emotion Regulation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Risk and Resilience Factors for Parental Burnout, Cognition and Emotion, 2021, 36, 1, 100-105.
Woine, A., Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J., van Bakel, H., & Roskam, I. (2022). The Role of Cognitive Appraisals in Parental Burnout: A Preliminary Analysis During the Covid-19 Quarantine. Current Psychology.
Blanchard, M. A., Contreras, A., & Heeren, A., Auditing the research practices and statistical analyses of group-level temporal network approach to psychological constructs: A systematic scoping review, Society of Ambulatory Assessment Conference (SAA), 2021, virtual.
Blanchard, M. A., Revol, J., Hoebeke, Y., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., & Heeren, A., De la nature temporelle du burnout parental : Développement d’un outil d’échantillonnage temporel intensif d’évaluation de la dynamique temporelle du burnout parental et de ses relations avec le système familial, Colloque GREPACO, 2021, virtual.
Blanchard, M. A., Revol, J., Hoebeke, Y., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., & Heeren, A., Parental Burnout & Family Context: Developing Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) Items, 2nd International Conference on Parental Burnout (ICPB), 2021, virtual.
Blanchard, M. A., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., & Heeren, A., A network approach to parental burnout, 42nd Stress and Trauma Anxiety & Resilience Society (STAR), 2021, virtual.
Blanchard, M. A., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., & Heeren, A., A network approach to parental burnout, Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences (BAPS), 2021, virtual.
Blanchard, M.A., Contreras, A., Kalkan, R.B., Heeren, A. Audit des pratiques de recherche et des analyses de réseaux temporels en psychologie : une ‘scoping’ revue systématique. Colloque GREPACO (Lausanne, Switzerland, du 30/05/2022 au 31/05/2022).
Blanchard, M.A., Hoebeke, Y., Heeren, A. A Temporal Network Approach to Parental Burnout. 17th European Congress of Psychology (Ljubljana, Slovenia, du 05/07/2022 au 08/07/2022).
Blanchard, M.A., Hoebeke, Y., Heeren, A. Parental burnout features and their family context: A temporal network approach. 75th Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (Leuven, Belgium, du 02/06/2022 au 03/06/2022).
Chénard, J., Aujoulat, I., Dubois, AC. L’expérience subjective d’enfants en santé, malades et de fratries exposés à l’épuisement parental : regards croisés Belgique-Québec. Les collaborations scientifiques Québec-Wallonie-Bruxelles : Regards vers l’avenir », Symposium FNRS-FRQ, Montréal, 2022
Contreras, A., Mouguiama, C., Blanchard, M.A., Heeren, A. A Temporal Network Approach to the Emotional Responses to Climate Change. 17th European Congress of Psychology (Ljubljana, Slovenia, du 05/07/2022 au 08/07/2022).
Dubois AC., Chenard, J., Aujoulat I. Questioning the lived experience of children exposed to parental burnout. IRSS Seminar, UCLouvain, Brussels, 2022.
Lin, G.-X. & Szczygieł, D. (2021, May). Emotional Intelligence Attenuates the Harmful Effects of Parental Perfectionism and Emotional Suppression on Parental Burnout: A Moderated Mediation Model [Flash talk]. Association for Psychological Science (APS) 2021 Annual Convention. (In virtual)
Lin, G.-X. & Szczygieł, D. (2022, June). Pursuing Perfect Children May Burn Parents Out [Invited Symposium Talk]. To be presented at Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences (BAPS) 2022, Leuven, Belgium.
Lin, G.-X., & Szczygieł, D, Emotional Intelligence Attenuates the Harmful Effects of Parental Perfectionism and Emotional Suppression on Parental Burnout: A Moderated Mediation Model, Association for Psychological Science (APS), Annual Convention, 2021, virtual.
Lin, G.-X., Hansotte, L., Szczygieł, D., Meeussen, L., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M, Parenting with a smile: Display rules, regulatory effort, and parental burnout, Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences (BAPS) 2021, virtual
Lin, G.-X., Hansotte, L., Szczygieł, D., Meeussen, L., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2021, May). Parenting with a smile: Display rules, regulatory effort, and parental burnout [Open-talk]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences (BAPS) 2021. (In virtual)
Lin, G.-X., Lay, K.-L. (2019, December). Parenting Stress in Mothers of Preschoolers: A Process Model Involving Repetitive Thinking of Parenting [Symposium talk]. 1st International Conference on Parental Burnout, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Lin, G.-X., Lay, K.-L., Huang, S.-Y., Chang, T.-T. (2022, June). Husband’s Social Undermining as a Vulnerability Factor in the Predictive Effect of Preschoolers’ Temperament on Maternal Parenting Stress [Poster]. 26th International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Biennial Meeting, Rhodes, Greece. (Abstract accepted but declined due to COVID-19)
Lin, G.-X., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I, When parenting culture exhausts parents: Good-parent beliefs and parental burnout across 35 countries, Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Biennial Meeting, 2021, virtual.
Lin, G.-X., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2021, April). When parenting culture exhausts parents: Good-parent beliefs and parental burnout across 35 countries [Flash talk]. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2021 Biennial Meeting. (In virtual)
Lin, G.-X., Mikolajczak, M., Céline Douilliez, & Roskam, I. (2022, July). Parental Pressures Burn Parents Out [Symposium Talk]. 17th European Congress of Psychology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Mallien, Z. & Dubois, AC. La recherche qualitative en pédiatrie – Donner la parole aux enfants en tenant compte des dynamiques familiales. Congrès ARCH, Université de Liège, 2022.
Piotrowski, K., Szczygieł, D., Lin, G-X. (2022, July). The Dark Side of mum and dad: Introduction of children dyadic perfectionism, the scale for measuring it, and its correlates in parents [Poster presentation]. European Association of Personality Psychology, Madrid, Spain.
Robbeets, C., Jacques, J., Campion, B., Roberti-Lintermans, M., François, A., & Merla, L. (2022, october). The effects of digital media on the representations and the exercise of parenthood: challenges and opportunities, European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Aarhus, Denmark.
Robbeets, C., Jacques, J., Campion, B., Roberti-Lintermans, M., François, A., & Merla, L. (2022, mai). Les représentations des professionnels de l’enfance sur les pratiques médiatiques des parents : enjeux et perspectives, Acfas, en ligne.
Roberti-Lintermans, M. (2020, mai). Être une « bonne » mère dans Femmes d’Aujourd’hui (1960-2010) : l’exemple de la contraception, Atelier genre(s) et sexualité(s), Striges, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Roberti-Lintermans, M. (2022, avril). Intégration et réception du « positive parenting » promu par le Conseil de l’Europe : pour une histoire croisée (France, Belgique, Royaume-Uni, 1990-2020), Le contrôle social de la parentalité au tournant du XXIe siècle, Cerlis, Paris, France.
Roberti-Lintermans, M. & François, A. (2022, september). When Theoretical Knowledge Meets Field Practice: Social Work Students' First Experiences with Child Placement (Belgium, 1945-1980), ISCHE, Milan, Italy.
Roberti-Lintermans, M. & Masquelier, J. (2021, novembre). Ouvrir des crèches ou encadrer des gardiennes à domicile ? Concurrence des modèles familiaux et politiques dans la promotion des modes de garde du jeune enfant en Belgique (1960-1980), Journée d’étude Qui a gardé les enfants ? Pour une histoire sociale de la prise en charge extra-familiale des enfants du premier âge depuis 1945, Lyon, France.
Su, I. A., Chuang, Y. N., Chiang, Y. S., Lin, G.-X. (2022, June). Coronavirus parenting: A text mining approach to analyzing parenting culture on twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster session]. 26th International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Biennial Meeting, Rhodes, Greece. (Abstract accepted but declined due to COVID-19)
Ward, D. E., Park, L. E., Lin, G.-X., Chang, Y.-H., & O’Brien, C. (2023, February) Burning the candle at both ends: The role of financial contingency of self-worth and work-family conflict on job and parental well-being [Research Spotlight]. To be presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA.