MATH - membres



CP3 - Members

Academic staff (11)

Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace

Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace profile pic

Office: B.331

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3163


Personal homepage

Marino Gran

Marino Gran profile pic
Research interests: categorical algebra, universal algebra, Galois and descent theory, non-abelian homology, Hopf algebras
Research interests: categorical algebra, universal algebra, Galois and descent theory, non-abelian homology, Hopf algebras

Office: B.425

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3170


Personal homepage

Pascal Lambrechts

Pascal Lambrechts profile pic
My work is in algebraic topology. My recent theme of research are motivated by the study of moduli spaces coming from differential topology, like spaces of smooth embeddings and of diffeomorphisms, using manifold functor calculus, rational homotopy theory, configuration spaces, operads of little disks, ...
My work is in algebraic topology. My recent theme of research are motivated by the study of moduli spaces coming from differential topology, like spaces of s...

Office: B.424

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3161


Personal homepage

Timothée Marquis

Timothée Marquis profile pic
Research interests: Geometric group theory; Kac-Moody groups and algebras; Groups with a BN-pair, Coxeter groups and buildings; Infinite-dimensional Lie groups and algebras; Locally compact groups
Research interests: Geometric group theory; Kac-Moody groups and algebras; Groups with a BN-pair, Coxeter groups and buildings; Infinite-dimensional Lie groups...

Office: B.330

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3182


Personal homepage

Laure Ninove

Laure Ninove profile pic

Office: B.329

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 32 72


Heiner Olbermann

Heiner Olbermann profile pic
Mes intérets de recherche se trouvent dans le domaine des équations aux dérivées partielles. Surtout je travaille sur des questions en calcul des variations. En particulier, je m'intéresse à l'élasticité non-linéaire, et à des problèmes variationels qui contiennent en même temps des aspects physiques et géométriques.
Mes intérets de recherche se trouvent dans le domaine des équations aux dérivées partielles. Surtout je travaille sur des questions en calcul des variations. En...

Office: B.305

Phone: (+32 10 4) 72325


Augusto Ponce

Augusto Ponce profile pic
Partial differential equations; nonlinear analysis
Partial differential equations; nonlinear analysis

Office: B.326

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 8674


Personal homepage

Tim Van der Linden

Tim Van der Linden profile pic
Research in homological algebra: study of homology and cohomology of non-algebraic objects using categorical methods, such as Galois theory of higher central extensions
Research in homological algebra: study of homology and cohomology of non-algebraic objects using categorical methods, such as Galois theory of higher central extensions

Office: B.420

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3179


Personal homepage

Jean Van Schaftingen

Jean Van Schaftingen profile pic
I am working in mathematical analysis, on problems in the fields of partial differential equations, calculus of variations and function spaces, including endpoint L¹ estimates for differential operators, Sobolev mappings, Ginzburg-Landau functionals, vortices in fluid dynamics, magnetic Sobolev spaces and semi-linear elliptic problems.
I am working in mathematical analysis, on problems in the fields of partial differential equations, calculus of variations and function spaces, including endpoi...

Office: B.320

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 8307


Personal homepage

Pedro Vaz

Pedro Vaz profile pic
Knot theory and quantum topology, Higher representation theory and its applications in low-dimensional topology, Categorification of quantum algebras and its 2-representation theory.
Knot theory and quantum topology, Higher representation theory and its applications in low-dimensional topology, Categorification of quantum algebras and its...

Office: B.426

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3311


Personal homepage

Enrico Vitale

Enrico Vitale profile pic
Je participe à la recherche de l’équipe de théorie des catégories. Notre recherche se concentre sur l'algèbre catégorique: plus particulièrement, nous développons certains nouveaux aspects de la théorie des catégories utiles en algèbre homologique non abélienne, algèbre homotopique de dimension supérieur, algèbre universelle et algèbre topologique, théorie de la descente et théorie de Galois, théorie des algèbres de Hopf et des quandle.
Je participe à la recherche de l’équipe de théorie des catégories. Notre recherche se concentre sur l'algèbre catégorique: plus particulièrement, nous développo...

Office: B.423

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3188


Personal homepage

Professors emeriti (2)

Yves Felix

Yves Felix profile pic
topologie algébrique, homotopie rationnelle
topologie algébrique, homotopie rationnelle

Office: B.428

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3141


Michel Willem

Michel Willem profile pic
nonlinear partial differential equations, global analysis, calculus of variations, functional analysis, real analysis, history of mathematics
nonlinear partial differential equations, global analysis, calculus of variations, functional analysis, real analysis, history of mathematics

Office: B.304

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3120


Personal homepage

Postdocs (8)

Oussama Bensaid

Oussama Bensaid profile pic

Bulanyi Bohdan

Bulanyi Bohdan profile pic

Office: B.327


Federico Campanini

Federico Campanini profile pic
My research interests are quite various and include substantially different topics in Commutative and non-Commutative Algebra, Module Theory and Category Theory. They may be listed as follows: - Weak forms of the Krull-Schmidt Theorem in additive and module categories; - Prüfer-like conditions in commutative rings with zero-divisors; - Factorizations in commutative monoids; - Homological algebra; - Torsion and pretorsion theories in general categories.
My research interests are quite various and include substantially different topics in Commutative and non-Commutative Algebra, Module Theory and Category Theory...

Office: B428


Max Carter

Max Carter profile pic

Arnaud Duvieusart

Arnaud Duvieusart profile pic
I work on new applications of Categorical Galois Theory in Mal’tsev and semi-abelian categories, especially in relation to internal groupoids and crossed modules.
I work on new applications of Categorical Galois Theory in Mal’tsev and semi-abelian categories, especially in relation to internal groupoids and crossed modules.

Office: B.430


Pierre-Alain Jacqmin

Pierre-Alain Jacqmin profile pic
My main research interests lie in Category Theory, and more specifically in Categorical Algebra and Universal Algebra. My aim is to deeper understand algebraic categorical properties such as the Mal'tsev, unital or semi-abelian properties; in particular via some embedding theorems or preservation under the cofiltered limit completion. I am also interested in internal groupoids, weak equivalences and their bicategory of fractions as well as in finiteness spaces and generalized rings of power series.
My main research interests lie in Category Theory, and more specifically in Categorical Algebra and Universal Algebra. My aim is to deeper understand algebraic...

Office: B.403

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3159


Geoffrey Janssens

Geoffrey Janssens profile pic
My research has spanned several areas of mathematics, however always centered around the study of the representations of the given object. Nowadays my focus is on finite dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras via geometric realisations. Hereby the angle is additive and monoidal categorification of an underlying cluster algebras. Earlier my research focused on integral representation theory of finite groups, via connections to arithmetic groups. The latter can be thought as the integer points of semisimple linear algebraic groups of which the group of units of the integral group ring is an example of. The overarching quesiton here is which properties of the finite group can reconstructed out of the geometric group theoretical properties of the simple factors of the overlying algebraic group.
My research has spanned several areas of mathematics, however always centered around the study of the representations of the given object. Nowadays my focus is...

Office: B403


François Thilmany

François Thilmany profile pic

Office: B.321


PhD students (18)

Florent Afsa

Florent Afsa profile pic
Homological Algebra and Categorical Algebra
Homological Algebra and Categorical Algebra

Office: B.422


Maria Bevilacqua

Maria Bevilacqua profile pic

Office: B.405


Robynn Corveleyn

Robynn Corveleyn profile pic
I am interested in a wide range of topics within geometric group theory and representation theory of (locally compact) groups. Currently my focus is on understanding the finite simple quotients of Kac-Moody-Steinberg groups and their relationship to high-dimensional expanders.
I am interested in a wide range of topics within geometric group theory and representation theory of (locally compact) groups. Currently my focus is on understa...

Office: B.323


Maxime Culot

Maxime Culot profile pic
Working in the area of homological algebra in a non-abelian context. More precisely, I am working a non-additive version of the left derived functors. This leads me to the study of homotopy of chain complex and a bit of model theory.
Working in the area of homological algebra in a non-abelian context. More precisely, I am working a non-additive version of the left derived functors. This lead...

Office: B.422


Bo Shan Deval

Bo Shan Deval profile pic

Office: B.401


Nadja Egner

Nadja Egner profile pic

Office: B.402


David Forsman

David Forsman profile pic
My PhD-topic is to develop a non-abelian theory of spectral sequences. Double semi-simplicial groups have certain spectral sequences associated to them. The motivating question is how much can we generalize this to the semi-abelian context.
My PhD-topic is to develop a non-abelian theory of spectral sequences. Double semi-simplicial groups have certain spectral sequences associated to them. The mot...

Office: B.404


Maximilien Forte

Maximilien Forte profile pic
I am a first year PhD student in Geometric Group Theory. I am currently working in the construction of t.d.l.c groups containing uniform lattices. Keywords : wall space, polyhedral complex, CAT(0) metric.
I am a first year PhD student in Geometric Group Theory. I am currently working in the construction of t.d.l.c groups containing uniform lattices. Keywords : wa...

Office: B.303


Corentin François

Corentin François profile pic

Office: B.322

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3183


Lucy Grossman

Lucy Grossman profile pic
Projet principal actuel: une généralisation des théories de prétorsion aux catégories infinies. Autres intérêts de recherche: structures supérieures et fondaments des mathématiques, K-théorie algébrique, physique mathématique.
Projet principal actuel: une généralisation des théories de prétorsion aux catégories infinies. Autres intérêts de recherche: structures supérieures et fondam...

Office: B.429


Rodrigue Haya Enriquez

Rodrigue Haya Enriquez profile pic

Office: B.405


Alex Loué

Alex Loué profile pic
I am interested in various aspects of discrete (finite and infinite) groups, such as combinatorial and geometric features, or representation theory. Currently, I am investigating finite quotients of lattices in exotic Euclidean buildings.
I am interested in various aspects of discrete (finite and infinite) groups, such as combinatorial and geometric features, or representation theory. Currently,...

Office: B.321


Sébastien Mattenet

Sébastien Mattenet profile pic
Did my masters thesis in topos theory. Currently writing about Lyapunov theory in categorical terms, specifically the converse lyapunov theorem that a system with an equilibrium point must have a corresponding "energy function" (lyapunov fucntion, ie a function that decrease on trajectory and "sufficiently" smooth) that serve as a certificate for the stability.
Did my masters thesis in topos theory. Currently writing about Lyapunov theory in categorical terms, specifically the converse lyapunov theorem that a system w...

Office: Euler a1.01


Léo Schelstraete

Léo Schelstraete profile pic
I work on the interplay between knot theory and higher representation theory. More precisely, I'm interested in an invariant of knots called odd Khovanov homology, which can be thought as a categorification of the Jones polynomial. I try to understand it through the categorification of (the representation theory of) quantum algebras.
I work on the interplay between knot theory and higher representation theory. More precisely, I'm interested in an invariant of knots called odd Khovanov homolo...

Office: B.429


Benoît Van Vaerenbergh

Benoît Van Vaerenbergh profile pic

Office: B.325


Justin Vast

Justin Vast profile pic

Office: B.322


Corentin Vienne

Corentin Vienne profile pic
Research in categorical algebra, in particular semi-abelian categories. We are studying consequences of categorical conditions, such as action representability, in varieties of non-associative algebras.
Research in categorical algebra, in particular semi-abelian categories. We are studying consequences of categorical conditions, such as action representability,...

Office: B.427


Leon Winter

Leon Winter profile pic
I am working on open problems regarding Sobolev mappings (valued in a manifold), in particular on their trace theory. The set of all Sobolev mappings is in general not a vector space and its study is therefore very different from a vector valued Sobolev space. Most of the linear constructions which work wonders in the vector valued case (e.g. by convolution) cannot be used in the manifold valued case.
I am working on open problems regarding Sobolev mappings (valued in a manifold), in particular on their trace theory. The set of all Sobolev mappings is in gene...

Office: B.325


Administrative staff (3)

Cathy Brichard

Cathy Brichard profile pic

Office: B.328

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3281


Martine Furnémont

Martine Furnémont profile pic

Office: B.433

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3174


Elodie Hannoy

Elodie Hannoy profile pic

Office: B.434

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73288
