Spiritual Well-being and Management


12 octobre 2017

10h00 - 14h00

Prof. Louis W. “Jody” Fry, PhD will be a special guest in a UCL pluriannual seminar dedicated to an interdisciplinary research accross theology and management. He will introduce a debate on "Spiritual Well-being : Opium or Empowerment"

Prof. Fry is the founder of the International Institute for Spiritual Leadership and a professor at Texas A&M  University Central Texas. Fry’s most recent book is titled Maximizing the Triple Bottom Line through Spiritual Leadership (Stanford University Press, 2013) and examines business models that integrate ethics, leadership, employee well-being, sustainability, social responsibility, profitability, and organizational growth. The case studies in the book are informed by more than a decade of research investigating spiritual leadership in organizations. 
Org. Pr. Louis-Leon Christians (RSCS) — Pr. Laurent Taskin (Chaire LaboRH) — Pr. Johan Verstraeten (KULeuven) — Mrs Sophie Izoard-Allaux (RSCS)

More information about registration here.