Archives for CORE

UCLouvain Economics Seminar

UCLouvain Economics: Maarten Bosker

Shock propagation in global supply chains. Evidence from the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement. Maarten Bosker, University of Rotterdam Production is increasingly fragmented across international border. One important consequence of this development is that a shock in one country can...
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Kronos Group Chair

Kronos Group Chair Procurement Workshop

As part of the Kronos Group Chair, Louvain School of Management and CORE are organizing the "Procurement Revolution 4.0: Skills & Capabilities for the Future" Workshop in Louvain-la-Neuve on November 29, 2018. Program 2:00 p.m. Welcome by Kronos Group Chair...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Brown Bag Seminar: Valerio Serse

The Heterogeneous Impact of Sugar Taxes on Cola Demand across Different Household Types Valerio Serse, UCL CORE Sugar taxes are often considered as a possible tool to tackle excessive sugar consumption. Accounting for heterogeneity in preferences can be fundamental in order to assess...
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Operations Research Seminar

Operations Research Seminar: David Wozabal

The Value of Coordination in Multimarket Bidding of Electricity Storage David Wozabal, Technical University Munich We consider the problem of a power generating company with storage capacity that trades in a multi-settlement electricity market with a day-ahead auction and a continuous...
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Finance Seminar

Finance Seminar: Andrea Vedolin

Joint CORE-FIN seminar TBA Andrea Vedolin, Boston University  
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