Archives for CORE


OR Seminar - Richard O’Neill

  Richard O’Neill (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) invited by Nicolas Stevens will give a presentation on : Average Incremental Cost (AIC) Pricing for a Surplus-Maximizing Two-Sided Multi-Period Non-Convex ISO Auction Market Abstract : General equilibrium...
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar - François Maniquet

  François Maniquet (CORE) will give a presentation on : The welfare cost of social pressure Abstract : A basic assumption in welfare economics is that rational and well-informed choices reveal what a person considers is good for them. Social pressure, however, can be...
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Jing Su

Jing Su (CORE) invited by ... will give a presentation on : Consumer fairness concerns for personalized pricing by two-sided platforms Abstract : Online platforms can track consumers’ behaviors to infer their willingness-to-pay and extract profits by offering personalized...
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Giorgio Ferroni

Giorgio Ferroni (UNamur) invited by Paul Belleflamme will give a presentation on : Recurrent backers in crowdfunding Abstract : Crowdfunding platforms(CFPs) constitute a peculiar kind of 2-sided platformswhere multiple network effects are at work. A greater mass of project...
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Conference on Technological Change

  Conference on Technological Change -- April 29, 2024   List of speakers : Oliver Schlenker (University of Konstanz) Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage (Utrecht University) Max Brès (Swedish Central Bank) Joonas Tuhkuri (Stockholm...
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