Archives for CORE

Kronos Group Chair

Kronos Group Chair Official Opening Ceremony

Kronos Group Chair The Kronos Group Chair "Strategic Sourcing and Procurement" is the fruit of a collaboration between Kronos Group and Louvain School of Management of the Université catholique de Louvain. The objective of the Chair is to promote research and education in the sourcing and...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Stefano Gnocchi, Bank of Canada

Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity Meets the Zero Lower Bound Stefano Gnocchi, Bank of Canada (Joint paper with R. Amano) We add downward nominal wage rigidity to a standard New Keynesian model with sticky prices and wages, where the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates is allowed to...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Shiva Shekhar, DICE

Supply Chain Innovations and Backward Partial Ownership Shiva Shekhar, DICE
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Operations Research Seminar

Pavel Dvurechensky, MPTU Moscow

Faster algorithms for (regularized) Optimal Transport Pavel Dvurechensky, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany Optimal Transport (OT) distances are widely used in Machine Learning, Image Analysis, etc. State-of-the-art approach for solving Optimal...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Ingela Alger, TSE

Uninvadable Social Behaviors and Preferences in Group-structured Populations Ingela Alger, TSE (Joint work with Laurent Lehmanny, and Jörgen W. Weibullz) Humans evolved in populations structured in groups that extended beyond the nu-clear family. Individuals interacted with each other...
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