Roberto Trotta, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Associate Professor in Astrophysics at Imperial College London, is one of the leading authorities in the application and development of Bayesian Statistics in Astrophysics and Cosmology. Director of the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication at Imperial, scientific reporter, entrepreneur, consultant, exceptional speaker, his spectrum of expertise has no limit.
At the time where Science becomes multidisciplinary and where the exploration of the Universe is multi-messenger, the importance of the statistical methods used for data analysis and scientific inference has never been so critical. Roberto will give us the opportunity to learn the statistical methods of tomorrow.
"Astrostatistics in Action"
Inaugural Lecture
« If You Don’t Need (Astro)Statistics, You Have Done the Wrong Experiment »
Auditorium Charles de la Vallée Poussin
Marc de Hemptinne building
Monday 26 November 2018 at 16h15
Course in 4 lectures, 2 hours each
« Astrostatistics in Action : Bayesian Methods for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics »
Seminar room E-349
Marc de Hemptinne building
(Tower E, 3rd floor)
From Tuesday 27 November until Friday 30 November 2018 at 10h00