Emergency number : 010/47 22 22 What to do in an emergency ?
Helpdesk (IT) : 010/47 82 82 or www.uclouvain.be/8282
Technical building problems : 010/47 89 89 or depannage-gtpl@uclouvain.be
Psychosocial risks at work : https://intranet.uclouvain.be/fr/myucl/serp/bien-etre/bien-etre.html
List of trusted persons : https://intranet.uclouvain.be/fr/myucl/serp/bien-etre/personnes-de-confiance.html
For general practitioners and specialists, appointments can be asked at Centre médical de Louvain-la-Neuve
Le service d'AIDE aux étudiants can also support international PhDs and Postdocs newly arrived on site.
Contact: aide-sante@uclouvain.be
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