Return of the body, burial or cremation


  • As required by law, the body must be buried or cremated upon completion of the scientific work.
  • On the pledge form, the donor is therefore asked to indicate clearly whether he or she wishes to be buried or cremated, as well as any special requirements regarding the place or form of burial. The body donation service will always ensure that the donor's wishes are scrupulously respected.
  • When the time comes, the body donation secretariat will notify the funeral home in charge of the case to inform them that the disposal of the body must be organized in accordance with what was agreed upon at the time of the transfer and in accordance with the last wishes expressed by the deceased. The burial or cremation will then be arranged, without urgency, according to the wishes and availability of those who wish to attend.
  • Sometimes the family and friends do not wish to attend the burial or cremation of their deceased because this event awakens in them the pain of mourning. This sensitivity is fully respected and, if it exists, the family is simply asked to anticipate the funeral arrangements at the time of the transfer of the body to the University. The body donation service then discreetly arranges for the funeral home chosen by the family to return the body and keeps all useful information on the place and date of burial or cremation on its books, so that this information remains available to the family or relatives who wish to visit the deceased donor from a distance.