de la Vallée Poussin Chair 2023

Since its creation in 2001, the "Chaire de la Vallée Poussin" is awarded every year to a world-renowned mathematician. It is held in the form of a series of lectures with international public. An inaugural lecture on the first day is followed by 3 more lectures, exploring the topic in some more depth.

The recipient of the de la Vallée Poussin Chair 2023 is Professor Kathryn Hess Bellwald, professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

The general title of the lectures is: "Homotopical perspectives on algebra and geometry".


Photo credit : Eddy Mottaz, Le Temps

Programme :

Wednesday November 29, at 4.30 pm (Auditoire de la Vallée Poussin ) :
Inaugural lecture: Hochschild homology: from classical to modern

Thursday November 30, at 4.30 pm (Auditoire de la Vallée Poussin)
2nd lecture: Homotopical perspectives on Morita and Hopf-Galois theory

Friday December 1st, at 10.45 am (auditoire Sud 09)
3rd lecture: Configuration spaces for product manifolds

Friday December 1st at 1 pm (Auditoires A.03, Faculty of Sciences)
(Lecture in french) Exposé grand public: Aventures mathématiques en neurosciences

More informations 


Published on November 14, 2023