Sylvie Sarolea, professor at UCLouvain, teaches refugee law, international immigration law, private international law and human rights. Sylvie Sarolea is also a lawyer at the Walloon Brabant bar. She founded the EDEM, which she has been coordinating since 2011. She is a member of the Odysseus academic network. She coordinates and/or participates in several interdisciplinary research projects (LIMA, GLOBMIG, VULNER, ISEMI...) . She participates in privileged partnerships in Canada, Morocco and South Kivu.
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Jean-Yves Carlier is a professor at UCLouvain, the University of Liège, the Facultés universitaires Saint Louis and a lawyer at the Nivelles Bar. He is or has been visiting Professor at various universities (Paris 2, Geneva, Caen, Aix, Montreal, Ouagadougou, Cotonou, Bujumbura).(Paris 2, Genève, Caen, Aix, Montréal, Ouagadougou, Cotonou, Bujumbura).
Associate Professors
François Crépeau is professor of public international law at the Faculty of Law of McGill University. He is the Chair of the Thematic Working Group on Migrant Rights and Integrations in Host Communities, KNOMAD - Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development, World Bank Group (Washington, DC). He was the Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law at McGill (2009-2022), a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (Vienna, AT) (2018-2023), the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants (2011-2017) and the Director of the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism (2015-2020). Pr Crépeau was a visiting professor at UCLouvain (2010-2020) and was awarded the International Francqui Professor Chair in Human Sciences for the year 2017-2018.
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Marie-Laurence Flahaux is a demographer and researcher at the Institute of Research for Development (IRD, LPED, Aix-Marseille University) and a scientific collaborator at the Centre for Research in Demography (UCLouvain). She conducts research, using quantitative and qualitative approaches, on international and African migration in various contexts (Morocco, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso, Belgium...). She is particularly interested in issues of circulation, return, family, access to rights, and the effects of migration policies. |
Christine Flamand holds a Master’s Degree in Law (UCLouvain, 1993). She specialises in refugee and migration law. She was a UNHCR consultant in international protection of refugees for two years in DRC, Belgium and Turkey. She has also worked with several NGOs including CBAR, ADDE and INTACT, where she has developed an additional expertise on issues related to gender and children's rights. She has been a part of the EDEM team since 2017, as a lecturer and a researcher on family reunification (LIMA), in the VULNER project, and as co-developer of a MOOC on Asylum and Refugee Law.
Francesco Gatta is a researcher at the University of Milan. He has a double PhD in European Union law (University of Padua and Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria). He was Global College of Law Fellow in the autumn of 2017. |
Luc Leboeuf is a Head of Research Group in the Department of Law and Anthropology of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. He is the Scientific Coordinator of the VULNER research project, which is funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 programme. He holds a PhD in Law from the Catholic University of Louvain (2015). |
Matthieu Lys has been a lawyer at the Brussels Bar since 2005, where he practices in the fields of human rights, asylum and immigration. He is also a guest lecturer at the UCLouvain, within the Faculty of Law and the Centre for Research on the State and the Constitution (CRECO), where he teaches constitutional law and human rights. He also teaches a seminar on the supervision of dissertations in constitutional law. He regularly publishes in the fields of fundamental rights and asylum and migration law, and also lectures on these topics. He has been a member of EDEM since 2014. |
Trésor Maheshe Musole is a professor at the Catholic University of Bukavu. His research focuses on issues related to peace, security and migration in the Great Lakes region. He holds a PhD obtained at UCLouvain in 2017, devoted to freedom of expression and the right to asylum. He has experience in the judicial and human rights field, having worked as a member of the body of judicial defenders at the courts under the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Bukavu and is currently a lawyer at the bar of South Kivu (D.R. Congo).
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Jack Mangala is a lawyer and political scientist (UCLouvain), and a full professor and chair of the Department of Global and Regional Studies at Grand Valley State University, Michigan, USA. He teaches public international law, global migration, international organizations and African politics. He received the Distinguished Contribution in a Discipline Award in 2021 for a body of academic work on the international law-human security nexus and African international relations. His most recent books include The Politics of Challenging Presidential Term Limits in Africa (2020); Africa and its Global Diaspora: The Policy and Politics of Emigration (2017); Africa and the European Union: A Strategic Partnership (2013); Africa and the New World Era: From Humanitarianism to a Strategic View (2010); New Security Threats and Crises in Africa: Regional and International Perspectives (2010). He was awarded the Padnos/Sarosik Professor of Civil Discourse Chair for 2016-2017. He is a visiting professor at John Cabot University, Rome.
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Delphine Nakache is Associate Professor at the School of International Development and Globalization (EDIM) at the University of Ottawa, Canada. She teaches public international law and immigration, refugee and citizenship law. Her research interests focus on securing migration and citizenship policies, the human rights of migrants, and working conditions in a migration/mobility context.
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Emmanuelle Neraudau holds a doctorate in public law (University of Paris XI) with a thesis on "Public order and the law of foreigners in Europe" under the supervision of Prof. F. Julien-Laferrière (Ed. Bruylant, Brussels, 2006). Since 2006, she has been practicing as a lawyer at the Nantes Bar, in the fields of human rights, asylum and immigration, and has been established at the Brussels Bar (2009-2014). She is a lecturer at the University of Nantes (France). Her work within EDEM mainly concerns the transposition of the Dublin Regulation into Belgian law.
Lilian Tsourdi is a professor at the University of Maastricht. She holds a PhD from the Institute of European Studies (ULB) and is a member of the coordination team of the Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe (Odysseus Network). |
Full-time Researchers
Ms. Aline Bahati Cibambo holds a Master's degree in human rights and international humanitarian law (equivalent to 7 years of higher education) and a law degree (equivalent to 5 years of higher education), with a specialization in private and judicial law, both obtained at the Catholic University of Bukavu, where she has been a lecturer for several years and where she teaches in the field of judicial law. She has been a member of the South Kivu Bar for seven years and has been in charge of the legal pillar of Dr. Denis Mukwege's Panzi Foundation for nearly three years, in the fight against gender-based violence, mainly to facilitate access to justice for survivors. |
Aline Bodson holds a master's degree in law from UCLouvain (2020) and an LLM in Forensics, Criminology and Law from Maastricht University (2021). She joined the EDEM team in July 2021 and is writing a PhD thesis at UNamur and UCLouvain on the implementation of the best interests of the child in and outside the migration context. The latter is part of the ISEMI research, an interuniversity and interdisciplinary research that she pursues with Laura Cools. |
Zoé Briard graduated with a Master’s degree in Law and a Master’s degree in International Relations in 2022. During her studies, she had the chance to realize an Erasmus at the University of Sussex in England. In 2023, she graduated with a Master’s in Gender Studies. Now she has started her PhD project about planned relocations as adaptation strategies to climate change. This project combines Law and International Relations to analyze the decision-making processes and the implementation of these planned relocations as well as their implications on human rights. |
Laura Cools holds a Master's degree in Law (Ghent University, 2019), during which she spent an exchange semester in New Zealand, where she (partially) completed the L.L.M. in International Law (University of Waikato, 2018). After her studies, she worked at the European Parliament as a Trainee Policy Advisor on issues affecting EU policy on climate, migration and international trade. In January 2020, Laura started a PhD in Immigration Law at UCLouvain, which is part of an inter-university research on the implementation of the principle of the best interests of the child in the migration context (ISEMI). In this respect, she focuses in particular on the specific "durable solution" residence procedure for unaccompanied foreign minors (UFMs) and on family reunification procedures. In August 2023, Laura entered the diplomatic service. However, she is continuing her doctoral research in combination with her "diplomatic internship" before taking up her new post at the end of 2024. |
Marie Courtoy completed a bachelor’s degree in sociology and anthropology (Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles) before embarking on a second bachelor’s degree (Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles) and a master’s degree (Université catholique de Louvain) in law. After graduating, she has acquired practical experience in the field of human rights and migration. She completed internships at the European Court of Human Rights and at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Brussels. However, she was already active before in the voluntary sector within various associations and NGOs. As part of the EDEM, she is completing a PhD under a FRESH grant, focusing on environmental migration in the broader context of environmental justice. She combines law and anthropology, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. |
Zoé Crine holds a first Master's degree in political science (specialising in European politics) from the University of Liège and a second Master's degree in international law (specialising in human rights) from the University of Maastricht. She joined the EDEM team in February 2020 to start her thesis and research in immigration law. She is involved in the European research project VULNER which focuses on the understanding of the vulnerabilities of asylum seekers by the law and the actors in charge of its implementation. She is also writing a thesis on the autonomy issues of women in asylum procedures in reception centres in French-speaking Belgium. Her work lies at the intersection of gender issues, access to fundamental human rights and asylum. |
Eleonora Frasca holds a Master's degree in Law (Faculty of Law of the University of Rome "Sapienza") and a Master of Science in Public Policy and Human Development (Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and United Nations University UNU-Merit) with a specialization in Migration Studies. She is carrying out a PhD on the relations between the European Union and African countries in the field of migration. She studies them through the institutional prism and the form of the acts adopted. This research is part of the interdisciplinary project GLOBMIG. |
Caroline Leclercq holds a Master's degree in law from the Faculty of Law of the UCLouvain as well as a Master's degree in European law from the Institute for European Studies of the ULB. After her studies, she worked for six months for the Odysseus academic network. She also worked as an assistant for the Equality Law Clinic and the Refugee Law Clinic of the ULB. She has also worked as a lawyer at the Association for the Law of Foreigners. She is currently writing a thesis on refugee resettlement. The objective of this thesis is to study this legal way of access to the European territory as it is realized today, the problems that it poses with regard to the fundamental rights of refugees and the possible solutions in order to set up a clear legal framework that respects international law. |
Pamphile Mpabansi holds a Master's degree in Human Rights from the University of Burundi (UB) and is an assistant at the same University. He started a PhD in April 2018. His research focuses on the appropriation of the refugee protection mechanism by the National Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons. He analyzes Burundian domestic law while enriching it with a study of the situation in the countries neighbouring Burundi. He has experience in the field of protection of returnees through UNHCR for having participated in the implementation of the project Monitoring of returnees in Burundi from 2008 to 2011.
Isaac Muhambya Brock is a PhD candidate in Legal Sciences at UCLouvain (UCL). He holds a Master of Specialisation in International Law from UCLouvain in 2019; in 2021, he graduated with a Master of Specialisation in Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences from the same university. He holds a multidisciplinary certificate in Transitional Justice from UCL and ULB (2022). In 2015, he completed a degree in Private and Judicial Law from the Faculty of Law of the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL) in the DRC, where he was hired as a teaching and research assistant. Since 2014, he has been an Attorney at law before the tribunals within the jurisdiction of the Goma Court of Appeal. He is a human rights activist through several associations and youth movements. His PhD work deals with both Circular Migration of highly skilled DRC nationals and the Congolese Diaspora in Belgium, especially in the light of recent legal changes likely to promote the mobility of skilled people and diaspora agency. |
Bertin Nalukoma is a lecturer at the Department of Public Law of the Faculty of Law at the Université catholique Bukavu (UCB). He is a researcher at the Department of International Law and in three research centres of the same university, namely CERDHO, CEGEC and CEGEMI. He is also a member of the EDEM of the Université catholique de Louvain and is a lawyer at the Bar of South Kivu. His doctoral research focuses on the international protection of people displaced across international borders due to natural disasters.
Romuald Nama is a lawyer at the North-Kivu Bar and assistant-lecturer at the faculty of law of the Université libre des pays des grands lacs in Goma, institution in which he obtained his Bachelor's degree (Bac+5) in internal and international public law. |
Alfred Ombeni Musimwa holds a Master's degree in Law from the Official University of Bukavu and a Master's degree in Human Rights from UCLouvain, UNamur and USL-Brussels. He is an Assistant at the University of Bukavu, and since February 2019 he has been preparing a doctoral thesis at the Catholic University of Louvain, on the theme: "African-European Union migration partnerships in the light of the Global Compact for Migration".
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Guelor Paluku Matata is a PhD student in legal sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain where he benefits from a prestigious scholarship. He is preparing a dissertation on access to justice for small cross-border traders in the Great Lakes sub-region by using fundamental rights and private international law mechanisms. With a LLM degree in international law delivered by the aforementioned university, the present PhD student enjoys the junior lecturer status at Université Catholique du Graben de Butembo in the DR. Congo since December 2018. In addition to his academic career, he is involved in movements and associations providing assistance to victims of human rights violations, in particular, INEDD ASBL in Butembo and Beni cities, in DRC, since 2018.
M’Mah Samake, married, Guinean by nationality, teacher-researcher in the Public Law Department at UGLC-Conakry, holds a bachelor's degree (bac+5) in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law from the aforementioned University. In addition to this academic background, she has benefited from other training courses in international public law, including the United Nations Regional Course in International Law, the Nuremberg Summer Academy for Young Professionals, the Odysseus Summer Course, etc. Her professional experience as a trainer has enabled her to work with several national and international institutions on electoral matters, LEAD and human rights. She is currently undertaking doctoral research on African sub-regional migration policy, mainly within ECOWAS.
Jonas Sindani Kakule is a young Congolese lawyer and researcher engaged in advocacy for the promotion and protection of human rights, justice and the rule of law in the DRC. He holds a Master of Laws (LLM) in Human Rights and Democratization of Africa from the University of Pretoria (South Africa) and a Bachelor of Arts in International Law from the University of Goma (DRC). Since 2017, he has been working as an Advocacy & Human Rights Officer with Congolese civil society organizations advocating for peace and human rights in the DRC and the African Great Lakes region. Jonas is currently enrolled as a joint PhD student at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and the Catholic University of Bukavu (DRC).
Research Fellows
Gabriel Ajabu Mastaki is a lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Kalemie and an associate researcher at the Centre de recherche Droit et Sociétés at the University of Burundi, where he obtained a Master's degree in judicial law. He also holds a Master's degree in public international law from UEA (Burundi). Gabriel Ajabu M. is currently enrolled in a Masters specialising in human rights at the UCLouvain Saint-Louis and in a Masters 2 in sustainable development law at the Université Paris Cité. He will be joining the EDEM team in January 2024 to begin his thesis on environmental migration at UCLouvain. As part of his thesis, he is studying how Congolese positive law deals with the issue of internally displaced persons for environmental reasons and how they can obtain legal redress. |
Béatrice Chapaux has studied law and philosophy. She has been a lawyer and magistrate in Belgium and abroad. She was a judge at the Brussels Court of Appeal and worked for two years in the office of the Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Arusha, Tanzania. She has worked with several NGOs, participated in various academic research projects, including one on Rwanda's response to the genocide and crimes against humanity committed in 1994. For some years, she has been collecting life histories and is also developing a creative literary activity. |
Léa De Bock est titulaire d'un Master en droit avec un mémoire consacré à l’usage de l'intelligence artificielle dans le système pénal. Elle a également obtenu un Master de spécialisation en droit international public à l’UCLouvain, rédigeant son mémoire sur l’adoption d'une perspective féministe en droit international humanitaire. Actuellement, elle exerce en tant qu'assistante en droits humains et en soutien aux cours juridique en néerlandais. Elle a rejoint l'EDEM en 2024.
Eugénie Delval holds a Master's degree in law (public and international law) from ULB (2017), as well as an LL.M. from the University of Chicago Law School (2018). Eugénie was awarded the Ganshof van der Meersch Prize and a scholarship from the Belgian American Educational Foundation to pursue her LL.M. Eugénie has completed various internships, including at the Legal Service of the European Commission and at the Conseil du Contentieux des Étrangers. She is currently pursuing a PhD at the Centre de droit international of ULB, under the supervision of Professor François Dubuisson, and holds a F.R.S.- FNRS fellowship in this respect. Her research focuses on the obligations of the European Union Member States regarding legal and safe access to international protection.
Ibtisam Ektarabi is a research assistant at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), in the framework of the action research project "Deployment of Migration Policies at the Regional Level". She works on access to rights for third country nationals in Morocco. She holds a Master's degree in Law (European Immigration Law) from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy). She is interested in the issue of civil status registration of foreign children in Morocco. Ibtisam is a member of the International Mixed Laboratory Mobilities, Travels, Innovations and Dynamics in Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa (LMI-MOVIDA).
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Jean-Baptiste Farcy holds a Master's degree in Law (UCLouvain) and an LL.M. in International Law (SOAS, University of London). He joined EDEM in spring 2016. Engaged in the LIMA project, his research focuses mainly on the regulation of economic immigration in Belgian and European law.
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Luna Jalocha holds a Master's degree in Public Law from UCLouvain in 2023 and an LL.M. in International Law and Social Justice from the University of California, Berkeley, obtained in 2024. She is also enrolled in the Certificate in Refugee and Migration Law at UCLouvain for 2024-2025. Her current doctoral research project focuses on the integration of human mobility issues into climate litigation. This study, conducted in collaboration with the Centre for Automatic Language Processing at UCLouvain, involves a systematic analysis of the cases available in the database of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law.
Benjamin Kagina Senga is a doctoral student in international law at Laval University for the period 2021-2025 on the subject “Is there a subjective right to reunification in international human rights law?”. He also holds a Master’s degree in history, Theory and Practice of Human Rights from the Catholic University of Lyon (2020, France). Since July 2023, he has been a legal associate in the Office of the Legal Counsel of the African Union. He has also been a research assistant at Laval University (Canada) since 2021. |
Christelle Macq is a doctor of law (UClouvain). In June 2023, she successfully defended a thesis on the contours and challenges of the use of repressive measures in migration field, under the supervision of Professors Sylvie Saroléa and Marie-Aude Beernaert. She was successively a lawyer specialising in criminal law and migration law (from 2009 to 2016), a teaching assistant and a full-time doctoral student in criminal law and migration law at UClouvain (from 2016 to 2023), and is currently a lecturer at Uclouvain and a legal expert at the Federal Migration Centre. In particular, she deals with all issues relating to the detention of foreign nationals. |
PhD Student in Intersectoral Innovation about “Organization and consolidation of civil jurisdiction, in the light of similar European experiences, in the field of immigration, international protection and free movement of EU citizens” at the University of Milan. During her PhD project she collaborated with the Specialized Section on immigration in the Court of Milan to create a database on case-law.
Graduated in Law in 2019 at the University of Milan with a final dissertation on access to the right of asylum. Specialized in foreign law and international protection, she worked in 2020-21 with a specialized lawyer in Milan and later in 2022-23 at the Territorial Commission for the right of asylum as an Expert in human rights and international protection, nominated by UNHCR. Since 2019 she has been collaborating with the legal sector of ISMU Foundation (Initiatives and Studies on Multiethnicity), participating in various national and European projects such as the European Migration Network (EMN). |
Daniel Ndayisaba holds a bachelor’s degree of Law from the National University of Rwanda, a master’s degree of Law from the Kigali Independent UNiversity, a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Institute of Legal Practice and Development in Rwanda and a Master of Specialisation in Human Rights from UCL, UNamur and USL-Bruxelles. He is Principal Legal Counsel and Lecturer at the University of Rwanda. Daniel Ndayisaba is currently admitted in the doctoral program of legal studies at Université Catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve. The title of his thesis is: “The Legality and Appropriateness of Externalization of International Protection and Relocation of Illegal Migrants to Third Countries”.
Cyriaque Nibitegeka holds a master's degree in intellectual property rights from the University of Turin (Italy) and a DESS in human rights and peaceful conflict resolution from the University of Burundi. He is currently working on a doctoral thesis in law at UCLouvain, on the protection of human rights defenders against judicial harassment in Africa. His research focuses on the nature and scope of judicial reprisals against human rights defenders in Africa, the normative framework of protection at the regional and international levels, the use of and responses to SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation), the intersection between the international refugee protection regime and the protection of human rights defenders, etc. |
Matthias Petel is a project assistant at the UCL Law School. He monitors the Micromaster in International Law (EdX) and coordinates the Legal Clinic Rosa Parks. He specialises in international human rights law. He is active in civil society and is involved in several NGOs and/or projects relating to the environment, people with disabilities, and migration. |
Francesca Raimondo is a post-doctoral researcher in immigration law at EDEM and CeDIE. Before joining the project, she was a teaching assistant at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna in Comparative Constitutionalism and Law and Gender. Francesca holds a law degree from the University of Bologna and a doctorate with honours in legal studies from the same institution, with a thesis in comparative public law. From July to August 2018, she was a Kathleen Fitzpatrick Visiting Scholar in Comparative Constitutional Law at Melbourne Law School. |
Géraldine Renaudière holds a law degree from the University of Brussels and a complementary master's degree in European law from the Institute of European Studies. After having worked in the Legal Protection Service of the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees and at the Court of Justice of the European Union, she was an associate researcher on two projects on judicial cooperation in European immigration law at the European University Institute (Florence). She has been a member of EDEM since 2016. Since September 2019, she is also head of the sector "free movement of persons" at the SGAE.
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Andrés Salazar Abello is a PhD candidate at the Hoover Chair and an FNRS Research Fellow for the 2021-2025 period. He has an interdisciplinary background in philosophy and communication and has obtained two bachelor's degrees, a master's degree in ethics, and a research master's degree in philosophy. He also has five years of experience in the development and execution of European projects in environmental protection and innovation related to pollinator and ecosystem health monitoring. His current research aims to explore the political and normative grounds of civil society movements regarding the rights and integration of immigrants. |
Since October 2019, Alice Sinon has been coordinating the Rosa Parks Legal Clinic for Human Rights, created in 2018 within the Faculty of Law of UCLouvain. She completed her law studies in 2014, at UCLouvain, and completed her training with a complementary Master's degree in European law, with a focus on human rights and migration law, at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. His favourite subjects are migration law, human rights, international criminal law and international humanitarian law. She is also the coordinator of the Counter-Terrorism Vigilance Committee (Committee T).
Edwina Taylor holds a master's degree in law from UCLouvain. Since 2022, she has been working on a doctoral thesis in administrative law at the Centre Montesquieu d'études de l'action publique. Her research focuses on the digitization and automation of administrative procedures in the fields of general administrative law, social security, asylum and migration.
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Sarah Veys holds a Master's degree in law (civil and criminal justice) from the Faculty of Law at UCLouvain and in 2024 obtained a second Master's degree specialising in human rights at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Brussels. During her studies, she completed her dissertation in law within the Rosa Parks Legal Clinic for Human Rights. This experience allowed her to work with the Plateforme Citoyenne - BELRefugees association in Louvain-la-Neuve. In 2023-2024, she also worked in the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion team and contributed to the MOOC Migration Law. She is currently conducting research on the temporality of the asylum procedure in Belgium as part of her thesis project.
Pacôme Vouffo holds a Doctorate/PhD in Public Law from the University of Dschang in Cameroon since 21 December 2018, when he defended his thesis on ‘The extension of elected representatives’ terms of office in Cameroon’. He also holds a Master's degree in private law, specifically in the law of economic activities and markets, and a Master I in Political Science. Since the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year, he has enrolled in a Master's degree specialising in human rights at the UCLouvain Saint-Louis-Brussels on an ARES scholarship. A specialist in public law, which he teaches in higher education institutions in Cameroon, he is also involved in scientific research, particularly on issues of human rights, constitutional law, international law and decentralisation law, areas in which he is the author of more than fifteen scientific publications. He is a researcher at the Centre Africain d'Étude et de Formation sur le Développement, l'Etat de Droit et la Paix, where he carried out a situational study of Cameroon's implementation and internalisation of African Union instruments on the protection of women's rights.
Isabelle Fontignie holds a Master's degree in law from the Catholic University of Leuven and an additional Master's degree in international and European law from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel since 2017. Since then, she has practised mainly in the field of asylum and migration. She also worked as a director for two years at the Federal Institute for Human Rights. |
Hélène Gribomont graduated in law from the UCLouvain in 2014. She joined EDEM in October 2014 for the closing of the project co-financed by the European Refugee Fund and UCLouvain relating to the implementation in Belgian law of the Common European Asylum System. In January 2015, she began a thesis on the administration of evidence in the asylum procedure. She is also an assistant in the Master of specialization in human rights at the Université Saint-Louis in Brussels. After two years with a social and legal support service for foreign nationals, she recently joined the Namur Bar.
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Claire-Marie Lievens is a jurist, a painter, a writer and a stage director. She worked for the Ligue des droits humains and the CSC for a few years and specialised in foreigners' rights and economic, social and cultural rights. Now her professional time is divided between coordinating the Rosa Parks legal clinic at UCL and working as an assistant director in a theatre. Convinced that theatre is an essential tool for democracy, she also creates mock trials that allow her to combine theatre and human rights. |