Discussion Papers

ISBA Discussion Papers

 LIDAM Discussion Papers ISBA - 2024

2024 / 19
Michel Denuit, Patricia Ortega-Jimenez, Christian Y. Robert
No-sabotage under conditional mean risk sharing of dependent-by-mixture insurance losses

2024 / 18
Sam Allen, Jonathan Koh, Johan Segers, Johanna Ziegel
Tail calibration of probabilistic forecasts

2024 / 17
Antonio Arriaza, Jorge Navarro, Patricia Ortega-Jiménez
Risk times in mission-oriented systems

2024 / 16
Jean-Loup Dupret, Donatien Hainaut
Deep learning for high-dimensional continuous-time stochastic optimal control without explicit solution

2024 / 15
Donatien Hainaut, Laurent Devineau
Participating life insurances in an equity-Libor Market Model

2024 / 14
Mengxue Li, Rainer von Sachs, Eugen Pircalabelu
Time-varying degree-corrected stochastic block models

2024 / 13
Edouard Motte, Donatien Hainaut
Efficient hedging of life insurance portfolio for loss-averse insurers

2024 / 12
Léopold Simar, Paul Wilson
A Fast Method for Implementing Hypothesis Tests with Multiple Sample Splits in Nonparametric Models of Production

2024 / 11
Hélène Morsomme, Jennifer Alonso-Garcia, Pierre Devolder
Intergenerational risk sharing in pay-as-you-go pension schemes

2024 / 10
Léopold Simar, Valentin Zelenyuk, Shirong Zhao
Central Limit Theorems for Directional Distance Functions with and without Undesirable Outputs

2024 / 09
Cinzia Daraio, Simone Di Leo, Léopold Simar
Conical FDH Estimators of Directional Distances and Luenberger Productivity Indices for General Technologies

2024 / 08
Charlotte Jamotton, Donatien Hainaut
Latent Dirichlet Allocation for structured insurance data

2024 / 07
Christian Hafner, Oliver Linton, Linqi Wang
The effect of stock splits on liquidity in a dynamic model

2024 / 06
Michel Denuit, Patricia Ortega-Jimenez, Christian Y. Robert
Conditional expectations given the sum of independent random variables with regularly varying densities

2024 / 05
Alexandre Jacquemain, Cédric Heuchenne, Eugen Pircalabelu
A penalised bootstrap estimation procedure for the explained Gini coefficient

2024 / 04
Gabriel Bailly, Rainer von Sachs
Time-Varying Covariance Matrices Estimation by Nonlinear Wavelet Thresholding in a Log-Euclidean Riemannian Manifold

2024 / 03
Rémi Leluc, Aymeric Dieuleveut, François Portier, Johan Segers, Aigerim Zhuman
Sliced-Wasserstein Estimation with Spherical Harmonics as Control Variates

2024 / 02
Donatien Hainaut, Alex Casas
Option pricing in the Heston model with Physics inspired neural networks

2024 / 01
Charles Guy Leunga Njike, Donatien Hainaut
Affine Heston model style with self-exciting jumps and long memory