Actualités du site autheuro

Sharing European Histories - Call for Projects & Ideas

Why is this important? The past is often a source of conflicting interpretations rather than easy consensus. Still, historical identity is central to relations between states and people in the here and now. In our diverse European society, we cannot escape history when seeking to...
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Call for Participation in Field Research

Project: The European Union: a bottom up view Emic interpretations of decline along the Lower Danube (Bulgaria) Base Camp Danube Km 727, Bulgaria, May – September 2018 Topic: ‘Is the Bulgarian North-west the poorest region in the European Union?’ Contacts: Prof. Yulian...
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En pleins préparatifs pour la journée "Danube"

L’objectif prioritaire de la Chaire est de constituer un réseau de chercheurs majoritairement anthropologues dont les travaux portent, à minima, sur une région d’Europe et dont l’objet rejoint un des axes thématiques. Il s’agit également de dresser un état des lieux des champs de recherche en...
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