07 novembre 2019
Auditoire Baudouin - Palais des Académies
Three Academies of Medicine are co-organizing a symposium on inflammation in Brussels on 7 November 2019.
Three Academies of Medicine are co-organizing a symposium on inflammation, that is “L’Académie Nationale de Médecine de France”, “L’Académie de Médecine du Québec, Canada” and “L’Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique ”.
The symposium is organized this year in Belgium on Thursday 7th November 2019 at the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium at the “Palais des Académies” (see the program attached).
This symposium is free and numerous excellent international and national researchers will be speaking at this event. Inscription can be made by sending an email to the following address : microbionutrisymposia@gmail.com