Water diplomacy and governance: a key to solve the water crisis?"

Le 22 octobre 2018,  s'est tenue la 7ème rencontre du Consortium LouvainWater. Cette rencontre interdisciplinaire a rassemblé 6 orateurs de différents horizons autour du thème: Water Diplomacy and governance: a key to solve the water crisis?". 

  • Welcome address - Pr. Johann Morelle, member of the scientific committee of Louvain4Water
  • What are the causes of water-related natural disasters? Does water governance play a role?Sandra Soares-Frazão (UCL-EPL).
  • The Role of UNESCO in Water Diplomacy - Murray Wayne Biedler (UNESCO- Bruxelles Liaison Office)
  • Water diplomacy – experiences from global to local levels of governance. - Nora Van Cauwenbergh (Department of Integrated Water Systems and Governance, IHE-Delft, The Netherlands)

Toutes les présentations peuvent être consultées ici.

Publié le 09 novembre 2018