
Topics investigated in Finance

The 7 main topics studied by LIDAM members in finance are :

LIDAM Recent Publications in Finance

You will find below our recent publications (journal articles, book chapters and books) in Finance.

Journal Articles

1. Kan, Raymond; Lassance, Nathan; Wang, Xiaolu. The distribution of sample mean-variance portfolio weights. In: Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, (2024). (Accepté/Sous presse).

2. D'Hondt, Catherine; Roger, Patrick; Hoffmann, Arvid; Plotkina, Daria. Is There a Gender Gap in the Birthday‐Number Effect? The Case of Lotto Players and the Role of Sequential Choice. In: Journal of Gambling Studies, (2024). doi:10.1007/s10899-024-10288-5 (Accepté/Sous presse).

3. D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy; Todorovic, Aleksandar. Target return as efficient driver of risk-taking. In: Review of Behavioral Finance, Vol. 16, no. 1, p. 130-166 (2024). doi:10.1108/RBF-09-2022-0216.

4. Hafner, Christian; Wang, Linqi. Dynamic portfolio selection with sector-specific regularization. In: Econometrics and Statistics, (2024). doi:10.1016/j.ecosta.2022.01.001 (Accepté/Sous presse).

5. Candelon, Bertrand; Moura, Rubens. A Multicountry Model of the Term Structures of Interest Rates with a GVAR. In: Journal of Financial Econometrics, (2024). doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nbae008 (Accepté/Sous presse).

6. Candelon, Bertrand; Joëts, Marc; Mignon, Valérie. What makes econometric ideas popular: The role of connectivity. In: Research Policy, Vol. 53, no.7, p. 105025 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.respol.2024.105025.

7. Lassance, Nathan; Vanderveken, Rodolphe; Vrins, Frédéric. On the Combination of Naive and Mean-Variance Portfolio Strategies. In: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol. 42, no. 3, p. 875-889 (2024).

8. De Bondt, Werner; De Winne, Rudy; D'Hondt, Catherine. Measuring speculation beyond day trading and bets on lottery-like stocks. In: International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 96, no.A, p. 103632 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2024.103632.

9. Algieri, Bernardina; Iania, Leonardo; Leccadito, Arturo; Meloni, Giulia. Message in a bottle: Forecasting wine prices. In: Journal of Wine Economics, Vol. 19, p. 64-91 (2024). doi:10.1017/jwe.2024.3.

10. Plotkina, Daria; Hoffmann, Arvid O.I.; Roger, Patrick; D'Hondt, Catherine. Gender vs. personality: The role of masculinity in explaining cognitive style. In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Vol. 44 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.jbef.2024.100995 (Accepté/Sous presse).

11. Weber, Matthias; Striaukas, Jonas; Schumacher, Martin; Binder, Harald. Regularized regression when covariates are linked on a network: the 3CoSE algorithm. In: Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 50, no. 3, p. 535-554 (2023). doi:10.1080/02664763.2021.1982878.

12. Albert J. Menkveld; Anna Dreber; Felix Holzmeister; Juergen Huber; Magnus Johannesson; Michael Kirchler; Sebastian Neusüss; Michael Razen; Utz Weitzel; Hasse, Jean-Baptiste. Non-Standard Errors. In: The Journal of Finance, (2023). (Accepté/Sous presse).

13. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Portfolio Selection: A Target-Distribution Approach. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 310, no. 1, p. 302-314 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2023.02.014.

14. Lassance, Nathan; Martín-Utrera, Alberto; Simaan, Majeed. The Risk of Expected Utility under Parameter Uncertainty. In: Management Science, (2023). (Accepté/Sous presse).

15. Roger, Patrick; D'Hondt, Catherine; Plotkina, Daria; Hoffmann, Arvid. Number 19: Another Victim of the COVID‐19 Pandemic?. In: Journal of Gambling Studies (Online), Vol. 39, no. 3, p. 1417–1450 (2023). doi:10.1007/s10899-022-10145-3.

16. Lassance, Nathan. An Analytical Shrinkage Estimator for Linear Regression. In: Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol. 194, p. 109760 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.spl.2022.109760.

17. Argyropoulos, Christos; Candelon, Bertrand; Hasse, Jean-Baptiste; Panopoulou, Ekaterini. Toward a Macroprudential Regulatory Framework for Mutual Funds. In: International Journal of Finance and Economics, (2023). (Accepté/Sous presse).

18. Candelon, Bertrand; Hasse, Jean-Baptiste. Testing for Causality between Climate Policies and Carbon Emissions Reduction. In: Finance Research Letters, (2023). (Accepté/Sous presse).

19. Vrins, Frédéric. SVB, Crédit Suisse,. au suivant ?. In: Regards économiques, Vol. Focus, no. 30 (2023). doi:10.14428/regardseco2023.03.30.01.

20. Desagre, Christophe; Paolo Mazza; Petitjean, Mikael. Crypto market dynamics in stressful conditions. In: Applied Economics, (2023). doi:10.1080/00036846.2022.2108754 (Accepté/Sous presse).

21. Duterme, Tom. Bloomberg and the GameStop saga: the fear of stock market democracy. In: Economy and Society, Vol. 52, no. 3, p. 373-398 (2023). Louvain Papers on Democracy & Society 80. doi:10.1080/03085147.2023.2189819.

22. Candelon, Bertrand; Moura, Rubens. Sovereign yield curves and the COVID-19 in emerging markets. In: Economic Modelling, Vol. 127, p. 106453 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2023.106453.

23. Boulier, Jean-François; D'Hondt, Catherine; Jawadi, Fredj; Prat, Georges; Rozin, Philippe; Taffler, Richard. How Do Investor’s Expectations and Emotions Drive Financial Asset Prices in Times of Crises and Uncertainty: The Analysis of Experts’ Opinions. In: Bankers, Markets & Investors, Vol. 2023/4, no.175, p. 3-12 (2023).

24. Barbagli, Matteo; Vrins, Frédéric. Accounting for PD-LGD dependency: A tractable extension to the Basel ASRF framework. In: Economic Modelling, Vol. 125, p. 106321 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2023.106321.

25. Hafner, Christian; Wang, Linqi. A dynamic conditional score model for the log correlation matrix. In: Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 237, no. 2, part B, p. 105176 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2021.09.004.

26. Iania, Leonardo; Tretiakov, Pavel; Wouters, Rafael. The risk premium in New Keynesian DSGE models: The cost of inflation channel. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 155, p. 104732 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2023.104732.

27. Vrins, Frédéric; Wang, Linqi. Asymmetric short-rate model without lower bound. In: Quantitative Finance, Vol. 23, no.2, p. 279-295 (2023). doi:10.1080/14697688.2022.2156384.

28. Algieri, Bernardina; Iania, Leonardo; Leccadito, Arturo. Looking ahead: Forecasting total energy carbon dioxide emissions. In: Cleaner Environmental Systems, Vol. 9, p. 100112 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.cesys.2023.100112.

29. Iania, Leonardo; Collage, Robbe; Vereycken, Michiel. The Impact of Uncertainty in Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Returns in the USA. In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Vol. 16, no. 3, p. 189 (2023). doi:10.3390/jrfm16030189.

30. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric; DeMiguel, Victor. Optimal portfolio diversification via independent component analysis. In: Operations Research, Vol. 70, no. 1, p. 55-72 (2022). doi:10.1287/opre.2021.2140.

31. Lassance, Nathan. Reconciling mean-variance portfolio theory with non-Gaussian returns. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 297, no. 2, p. 729-740 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2021.06.016.

32. Duterme, Tom. Do modern stock exchanges emerge from competition? Evidence from the “Belgian Big Bang”. In: Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, Vol. 3, no. 2, p. 351–371 (2022). doi:10.1007/s43253-022-00069-4.

33. Candelon, Bertrand; Luisi, Angelo; Roccazzella, Francesco. Fragmentation in the European Monetary Union: Is it really over?. In: Journal of International Money and Finance : theoretical and empirical research in international economics and finance, Vol. 122, p. 102545 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.jimonfin.2021.102545.

34. Babii, Andrii; Ghysels, Eric; Striaukas, Jonas. Machine Learning Time Series Regressions With an Application to Nowcasting. In: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol. 40, no. 3, p. 1094-1106 (2022). doi:10.1080/07350015.2021.1899933.

35. Desagre, Christophe; D'Hondt, Catherine; Petitjean, Mikael. The rise of fast trading: Curse or blessing for liquidity?. In: Finance : revue de l'Association française de finance, Vol. 43, p. 119-158 (2022). doi:10.3917/

36. D'Hondt, Catherine; Merli, Maxime; Roger, Tristan. What drives retail portfolio exposure to ESG factors?. In: Finance Research Letters, Vol. 46, no. Part B, p. 102470 (2022). doi:10.1016/

37. Petitjean, Mikael. Judging the functioning of equity markets in 2020: A bird's-eye (re)view. In: Bankers, Markets, and Investors, Vol. 169, p. 1-11 (2022). (Accepté/Sous presse).

38. Gambetti , Paolo; Roccazzella, Francesco; Vrins, Frédéric. Meta-Learning Approaches for Recovery Rate Prediction. In: Risks, Vol. 10, no.6, p. 124 (2022). doi:10.3390/risks10060124.

39. Belkhir, Mohamed; Ben Naceur, Sami; Candelon, Bertrand; Wijnandts, Jean-Charles. Macroprudential policies, economic growth and banking crises. In: Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 53, p. 100936 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ememar.2022.100936.

40. Mbaye, Cheikh; Vrins, Frédéric. Affine term structure models: a time-change approach with perfect fit to market curves. In: Mathematical Finance, Vol. 32, no. 2, p. 678-724 (2022). doi:10.1111/mafi.12342.

41. Mbaye, Cheikh; Sagna, Abass; Vrins, Frédéric. A general firm value model under partial information. In: The Journal of Computational Finance, Vol. 26, no. 1 (2022). doi:10.21314/JCF.2022.020.

42. Arslan-Ayaydin, Özgür; Chen, Shimin; Ni, Serene Xu; Thewissen, James. Is cross-listing a panacea for improving earnings quality? The case of H- and B-share firms in China. In: International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 81, p. 102113 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2022.102113 (Accepté/Sous presse).

43. Hoffmann, Arvid; Plotkina, Daria; Roger, Patrick; D'Hondt, Catherine. Superstitious beliefs, locus of control, and feeling at risk in the face of Covid-19. In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 196, p. 111718 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.paid.2022.111718 (Accepté/Sous presse).

44. Candelon, Bertrand; Hasse, Jean-Baptiste; Lajaunie, Quentin. ESG-Washing in the Mutual Funds Industry? From Information Asymmetry to Regulation. In: Risks, Vol. 9, no.11, p. 199 (2021). doi:10.3390/risks9110199.

45. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Minimum Rényi entropy portfolios. In: Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 299, p. 23–46 (2021). doi:10.1007/s10479-019-03364-2.

46. Desagre, Christophe; D'Hondt, Catherine. Googlization and retail trading activity. In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Vol. 29, p. 100453 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100453.

47. Erdemlioglu, Deniz; Petitjean, Mikael; Vargas, Nicolas. Market Instability and Technical Trading at High Frequency: Evidence from NASDAQ Stocks. In: Economic Modelling, Vol. 102, p. 105592 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2021.105592 (Accepté/Sous presse).

48. Candelon, Bertrand; Fuerst, Franz; Hasse, Jean-Baptiste. Diversification potential in real estate portfolios. In: International Economics, Vol. 166, p. 126-139 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.inteco.2021.04.001.

49. Corneille, Olivier; D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy; Efendic, Emir; Todorovic, Aleksandar. What leads people to tolerate negative interest rates on their savings. In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 93, p. 101714 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.socec.2021.101714.

50. D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy; Merli, Maxime. Do retail investors bite off more than they can chew? A close look at their return objectives. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 188, p. 879-902 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2021.06.009.

51. Herr, Donovan; Clausse, Emilien; Vrins, Frédéric. Migration to the PRIIPs framework: what impact on the European risk indicator of UCITS funds ?. In: Revue Bancaire et Financière, Vol. 3, p. 138-148 (2021).

52. Bellotti, Anthony; Brigo, Damiano; Gambetti, Paolo; Vrins, Frédéric. Forecasting recovery rates on non-performing loans with machine learning. In: International Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 37, no. 1, p. 428-444.

53. Iania, Leonardo; Allard, Anne-Florence; Smedts, Kristien. Stock-bond return correlations: Moving away from "one-frequency-fits-all" by extending the DCC-MIDAS approach. In: International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 71, p. 101557 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2020.101557.

54. Brigo, Damiano; Jeanblanc, Monique; Vrins, Frédéric. SDES with uniform distributions: Peacocks, conic martingales and mean reverting uniform diffusions. In: Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, Vol. 130, no. 7, p. 3895-3919 (2020). doi:10.1016/

55. Laly, Floris; Petitjean, Mikael. Mini flash crashes: Review, taxonomy and policy responses. In: Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 72, no.3, p. 251-271 (2020). doi:10.1111/boer.12221.

56. Vrins, Frédéric. Advances in Credit Risk Modeling and Management. In: Risks, (2019).

57. Yan, Beibei; Aerts, Walter; Thewissen, James. The informativeness of impression management − financial analysts and rhetorical style of CEO letters. In: Pacific Accounting Review, Vol. 31, no.3, p. 462-496 (2019). doi:10.1108/par-09-2017-0063.

58. Gambetti, Paolo; Gauthier, Geneviève; Vrins, Frédéric. Recovery rates: Uncertainty certainly matters. In: Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 106, no.9, p. 371-383 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2019.07.010.

59. Naceur, Sami Ben; Candelon, Bertrand; Lajaunie, Quentin. Taming financial development to reduce crises. In: Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 40, p. 100618 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ememar.2019.05.003.

60. Petitjean, Mikael. Eco-friendly policies and financial performance:Was the financial crisis a game changer for large US companies?. In: Energy Economics, Vol. 80, no. Feb, p. 502-511 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2019.01.028.

61. Thewissen, James. Jockeying for position in CEO letters: Impression management and sentiment analytics. In: Financial Management, Vol. 48, no.1, p. 77-115 (2019). doi:10.1111/fima.12219.

62. Mazza, Paolo; Petitjean, Mikael. Testing the effect of technical analysis on market quality and order book dynamics. In: Applied Economics, Vol. 51, no.18, p. 1947-1976 (2019). doi:10.1080/00036846.2018.1529404.

63. Profeta, Christophe; Vrins, Frédéric. Piecewise constant martingales and lazy clocks. In: Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk, Vol. 4, no. 2 (2019). doi:10.1186/s41546-019-0036-4.

64. Hans Dewacther; Iania, Leonardo; Wolfgang Lemke; Marco Lyrio. A Macro-Financial Analysis of the Corporate Bond Market. In: Empirical Economics, Vol. 57, p. 1911–1933 (December 2019).

65. Vrins, Frédéric. Bannissement des produits dérivés: la bonne affaire ?. In: Regards économiques, no. 142, p. 1-15 (2018).

66. Jeanblanc, Monique; Vrins, Frédéric. Conic martingales from Stochastic integrals. In: Mathematical Finance, Vol. 28, no. 2, p. 516-535. doi:10.1111/mafi.12147.

67. Campello, Murillo; Gao, Janet; Qiu, Jiaping; Zhang, Yue. Bankruptcy and the cost of organized labor: Evidence from union elections. In: The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 31, no.3, p. 980-1013 (2018). doi:10.1093/rfs/hhx117.

68. James Thewissen; Wouter Torsin; Kris Boudt. When does the tone of earnings press releases matter?. In: International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 57, no.2, p. 231-245 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2018.02.002.

69. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. A Comparison of Pricing and Hedging Performances of Equity Derivatives Models. In: Applied Economics, Vol. 50, no. 10, p. 1122-1137 (2018). doi:10.1080/00036846.2017.1352080.

70. Petitjean, Mikael. La Belgique est-elle inégalitaire ?. In: La Libre Belgique, Vol. 2018, no.Avril , p. 18.

71. Corneille, Olivier; De Winne, Rudy; D'Hondt, Catherine. The Disposition Effect does not survive disclosure of expected price trends. In: Journal of behavioral and experimental finance, Vol. 20, p. 80-91 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.jbef.2018.08.003.

72. Brogaard, Jonathan; Carrion, Allen; Moyaert, Thibaut; Riordan, Ryan; Shkilko, Andriy; Sokolov, Konstantin. High frequency trading and extreme price movements. In: Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 128, no.2, p. 253-265 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2018.02.002.

73. Mbaye, Cheikh; Vrins, Frédéric. A subordinated CIR intensity model with application to wrong-way risk CVA. In: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol. 21, no.7, p. 22 (2018). doi:10.1142/s0219024918500450.

74. Damiano Brigo; Vrins, Frédéric. Disentangling wrong-way risk: pricing credit valuation adjustment via change of measures. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 269, p. 1154-1164 (2018).

75. Mazza, Paolo; Petitjean, Mikael. Implicit transaction cost management using intraday price dynamics. In: Applied Economics, Vol. 50, no. 39, p. 4264-4274 (2018). doi:10.1080/00036846.2018.1441523.

76. Petitjean, Mikael. Le sauvetage des institutions financières a épargné plusieurs milliards d’euros aux pouvoirs publics. In: L'Écho : le quotidien de l'économie et de la finance, Vol. 2018, no.03 mars, p. 18 (2018).

77. Petitjean, Mikael. What explains the success of reward-based crowdfunding campaigns as they unfold? Evidence from the French crowdfunding platform KissKissBankBank. In: Finance Research Letters, Vol. 26, p. 9-14 (2018). doi:10.1016/

78. Bellofatto, Anthony; D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy. Subjective Financial Literacy and Retail Investors’ Behavior. In: Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 92, no.1, p. 168-181. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2018.05.004.

79. Vrins, Frédéric. Sampling the Multivariate Standard Normal Distribution under a Weighted Sum Constraint. In: Risks, Vol. 6, no. 3, p. 64 (2018). doi:10.3390/risks6030064.

80. Vrins, Frédéric; Petitjean, Mikael. Extreme events and the cumulative distribution of net gains in gambling and structured products. In: Applied Economics, Vol. 50, no. 58, p. 6285-6300 (2018). doi:10.1080/00036846.2018.1489514.

81. Dahlqvist, Carl-Henrik. Cross-country information transmissions and the role of commodity markets: A multichannel Markov switching approach. In: PLoS ONE, Vol. 13, no. 8, p. 21 (2018). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0202251.

82. Dahlqvist, Carl-Henrik; Gnabo, Jean-Yves. Effective network inference through multivariate information transfer estimation. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 499, no.1, p. 376-394 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.physa.2018.02.053.

83. D'Hondt, Catherine; Roger, Patrick. Investor sentiment and stock return predictability: The power of ignorance. In: Finance, Vol. 38, no. 2, p. 7-37 (2017). (Accepté/Sous presse).

84. De Winne, Rudy; D'Hondt, Catherine. La finance comportementale: enjeux et perspectives. In: Regards économiques, Vol. 30, no. 131, p. 1-10 (2017).

85. Boullenger, Victor; Petitjean, Mikael; Daguet, Patrick. Capital-risque et performance à court terme de l’entreprise après introduction en bourse. In: Forum financier : revue bancaire et financière, Vol. 6, no.5, p. 1-14.

86. Vrins, Frédéric. Wrong-Way Risk CVA Models with Analytical EPE Profiles under Gaussian Exposure Dynamics. In: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol. 20, no. 7:1750045 (2017).

87. D'Hondt, Catherine; Detollenaere, Benoît. Identifying Expensive Trades by Monitoring the Limit Order Book. In: Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 36, p. 273-290 (2017). doi:10.1002/for.2422.

88. Vrins, Frédéric. Characteristic Function of Time-Inhomogeneous Lévy-Driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes. In: Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol. 116, no.2016, p. 55-61 (14/5/2016). doi:10.1016/j.spl.2016.04.013.

89. Petitjean, Mikael. On the usefulness of intraday price ranges to gauge liquidity in cap-based portfolios. In: Economic Modelling, Vol. 54, no.1, p. 67-81 (Avril 2016). doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2015.12.016.

90. Petitjean, Mikael. How integrated is the European carbon derivatives market?. In: Finance Research Letters, Vol. 15, no.1, p. 18-30 (Novembre 2015). doi:10.1016/

91. D'Hondt, Catherine; Majois, Christophe; Mazza, Paolo. Commonality on Euronext: Do Location and Account Type Matter?. In: International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 42, p. 183-198 (2015).

92. Petitjean, Mikael. Les sept familles de l'ISR. In: B NQ Quarterly, Vol. 2015, no. Octobre, p. 26 (2015).

93. Dewachter, Hans; Iania, Leonardo; Lyrio, Marco; Perea, Maite de Sola. A macro-financial analysis of the euro area sovereign bond market. In: Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 50, p. 308-325 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2014.03.011.

94. Bodart, Vincent; Candelon, Bertrand; Carpantier, Jean-François. Real exchanges rates, commodity prices and structural factors in developing countries. In: Journal of International Money and Finance : theoretical and empirical research in international economics and finance, Vol. 51, p. 264-284 (March 2015). doi:10.1016/j.jimonfin.2014.11.021.

95. Godart, Camille; Petitjean, Mikael. De la médiocrité des conseils d’investissement de Test-Achats invest sur actions individuelles. In: Brussels Economic Review, Vol. 57, no. 3, p. 1-28 (2014).

96. Dewachter, Hans; Iania, Leonardo; Lyrio, Marco. Information in the yield curve: A macro-finance approach. In: Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 29, no. 1, p. 42-64 (2014). doi:10.1002/jae.2305.

97. Boudt, Kris; Petitjean, Mikael. Intraday liquidity dynamics and news releases around price jumps: Evidence from the DJIA stocks. In: Journal of Financial Markets, Vol. 17, no.1, p. 121-149 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.finmar.2013.05.004.

98. Petitjean, Mikael. Testing the profitability of contrarian trading strategies based on the overreaction hypothesis. In: Bankers, Markets & Investors, Vol. 2014, no.133, p. 4-10 (Nov-Dec 2014).

99. De Winne, Rudy; Platten, Isabelle; Gresse, Carole. Liquidity and risk sharing benefits from opening an ETF market with liquidity providers: Evidence from the CAC 40 index. In: International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 34, p. 31-43 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2014.04.003.

100. Duvinage, Matthieu; Mazza, Paolo; Petitjean, Mikael. The intra-day performance of market timing strategies and trading systems based on Japanese candlesticks. In: Quantitative Finance, Vol. 13, no.7, p. 1059-1070 (2013). doi:10.1080/14697688.2013.768774.

101. Petitjean, Mikael. Bank failures and regulation: a critical review. In: Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, Vol. 21, no.1, p. 16-38 (2013). doi:10.1108/13581981311297803.

102. Caliman, Thibaut; D'Hondt, Catherine; Petitjean, Mikael. Determining an optimal multiplier in dynamic core-satellite strategies. In: The Journal of Asset Management, Vol. 14, no.4, p. 210-227 (2013). doi:10.1057/jam.2013.16.

103. Vrins, Frédéric; Hofert, Marius. Sibuya copulas. In: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 114, p. 318-337 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2012.08.007.

104. Gilson, Nathalie; Labondance, Fabien. Synchronisation des chocs d'offre et de demande en Europe : un après euro ou une après crises des subprimes ?. In: L'actualité économique, Vol. 89, no. 3, p. 1-35 (septembre 2013). doi:10.7202/1025396ar.

105. Dewachter, Hans; Iania, Leonardo. An Extended Macro-Finance Model with Financial Factors. In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 46, no. 6, p. 1893-1916.

Conference Papers

1. Mbaye, Cheikh; Vrins, Frédéric. Fitting default intensity models to market curves: a time change approach. 2019 xxx.

2. Lassance, Nathan; DeMiguel, Victor; Vrins, Frédéric. Optimal portfolio diversification via independent component analysis. 2019 xxx.

3. Bellotti, Anthony; Brigo, Damiano; Gambetti, Paolo; Vrins, Frédéric. Forecasting recovery rates on non-performing loans with machine learning. 2019 xxx.

4. Nathan Lassance; Frédéric Vrins. Portfolio selection with higher-order moments: A target-distribution approach. 2019 xxx.

5. D'Hondt, Catherine. MiFID questionnaires, financial advice and investor behavior. 2019 xxx.

6. Degryse, Hans; De Winne, Rudy; Gresse, Carole; Payne, Richard. Cross-Venue Liquidity Provision: High Frequency Trading and Ghost Liquidity. 2019 xxx.

7. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Minimum Rényi Entropy Portfolios. 2018 xxx.

8. Lassance, Nathan; DeMiguel, Victor; Vrins, Frédéric. Optimal Portfolio Diversification via Independent Component Analysis. 2018 xxx.

9. D'Hondt, Catherine. L’impact de la psychologie sur les décisions des investisseurs. 2018 xxx.

10. Desagre, Christophe; D'Hondt, Catherine; Petitjean, Mikael. Liquidity and the rise of fast trading on Euronext. 2018 xxx.

11. Desagre, Christophe; D'Hondt, Catherine; Petitjean, Mikael. Liquidity and the rise of fast trading on Euronext. 2018 xxx.

12. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Minimum Rényi Entropy Portfolios. 2018 xxx.

13. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Minimum Rényi Entropy Portfolios. 2018 xxx.

14. Degryse, Hans; De Winne, Rudy; Gresse, Carole; Payne, Richard. Cross-Venue Liquidity Provision: High Frequency Trading and Ghost Liquidity. 2018 xxx.

15. Vrins, Frédéric. A Dynamic Stochastic Recovery Rate Model With Applications to Credit Derivatives Pricing. 2018 xxx.

16. Desagre, Christophe; D'Hondt, Catherine. Googlization and retail investment decisions. 2018 xxx.

17. Desagre, Christophe; D'Hondt, Catherine. Googlization and retail investment decisions. 2018 xxx.

18. Vrins, Frédéric. Wrong-way risk via change of measure : theory, implementation and performance analysis. 2018 xxx.

19. Degryse, Hans; De Winne, Rudy; Gresse, Carole; Payne, Richard. Cross-Venue Liquidity Provision: High Frequency Trading and Ghost Liquidity. 2018 xxx.

20. D'Hondt, Catherine. De l’homo economicus à l’homo sapiens : enjeux et perspectives pour la finance. 2018 xxx.

21. Desagre, Christophe; D'Hondt, Catherine. Googlization and retail investment decisions. 2018 xxx.

Book Chapters

1. Aloy, Marcel; Laly, Floris; Laurent, Sébastien; Lecourt, Christelle. Modeling Time-Varying Conditional Betas. A Comparison of Methods with Application for REITs. In: Recent Econometric Techniques for Macroeconomic and Financial Data (Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance; xxx), Springer, 2021, p. 229-264. 978-3-030-54254-2. xxx xxx.

2. Vrins, Frédéric; Chevalier, Philippe. Jeu de hasard en Belgique: la modélisation mathématique au service de la transparence. In: Droit des jeux de hasard , Larcier, 2018, p. 199-215. 9782807906006. xxx xxx.

3. Gambetti, Paolo; Gauthier, Geneviève; Vrins, Frédéric. Stochastic recovery rate: Impact of pricing measure's choice and financial consequences on single-name products. In: New Methods in Fixed Income Modeling , Springer International: USA, 2018, p. 181-203. 978-3-030-07008-3 / 978-3-319-95284-0. xxx xxx.

4. Brigo, Damiano; Hvolby, Thomas; Vrins, Frédéric. Wrong-way risk adjusted exposure: Analytical approximations for options in default intensity models. In: Innovations in Insurance, Risk- and Asset Management , Springer: Berlin, 2017. xxx xxx.

5. Mbaye, Cheikh; Pagès, Gilles; Vrins, Frédéric. An antithetic approach of multilevel Richardson-Romberg extrapolation estimator for multidimensional SDES. In: Numerical Analysis and its Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; xxx), Springer: Cham, 2017, p. 482--491. 978-3-319-57099-0. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57099-0_54.

Working Papers

1. Barbagli, Matteo; François, Pascal; Gauthier, Geneviève; Vrins, Frédéric. The role of CDS spreads in explaining bond recovery rates. 2024. 38 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2024/02.

2. Algieri, Bernardina; Lawuobahsumo, Kokulo; Leccadito, Arturo. Calendar Effects on Returns, Volatility and Higher Moments: Evidence from Crypto Markets. 2024. 30 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2024/01.

3. Vanderveken, Rodolphe; Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Optimal Portfolio Size under Parameter Uncertainty. 2024. 80 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2024/04.

4. Cai, Zhaokun; Cui, Zhenyu; Lassance, Nathan; Simaan, Majeed. The Economic Value of Mean Squared Error: Evidence from Portfolio Selection. 2024. 35 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2024/03.

5. Germain, Arnaud; Vrins, Frédéric. Credit selection in Collateralized Loan Obligation: efficient approximation through linearization and clustering. 2024. 41 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2024/06.

6. Hainaut, Donatien; Vrins, Frédéric. European option pricing with model constrained Gaussian process regressions. 2024. 27 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper ISBA; LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2024/21; 2024/05.

7. Mugrabi, Farah Daniela. Detecting and dating possibly distinct structural breaks in the covariance structure of financial assets. 2023. 45 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2023/01.

8. Candelon, Bertrand; Joëts, Marc; Mignon, Valérie. What Makes Econometric Ideas Popular: The Role of Connectivity. 2023. 53 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2023/05.

9. Algieri, Bernardina; Iania, Leonardo; Leccadito, Arturo; Meloni, Giulia. Message in a Bottle: Forecasting wine prices. 2023. 43 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2023/04.

10. Boeckx, Jef; Iania, Leonardo; Wauters, Joris. Macroeconomic drivers of Inflation Expectations and Inflation Risk Premia. 2023. 41 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2023/03.

11. Iania, Leonardo; Lyrio, Marco; Nersisyan, Liana. Oil Price Shocks and Bond Risk Premia: Evidence from a Panel of 15 Countries. 2023. 43 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2023/02.

12. Kan, Raymond; Lassance, Nathan; Wang, Xiaolu. The distribution of sample mean-variance portfolio weights. 2023. 19 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2023/06.

13. Distaso, Walter; Roccazzella, Francesco; Vrins, Frédéric. Business cycle and realized losses in the consumer credit industry. 2023. 36 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2023/07.

14. Iania, Leonardo; Tretiakov, Pavel; Wouters, Rafael. The risk premium in New Keynesian DSGE models: the cost of inflation channel. 2022. 36 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/08.

15. Mbaye, Cheikh; Sagna, Abass; Vrins, Frédéric. A general firm-value model under partial information. 2022. 27 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/09.

16. Roger, Patrick; D'Hondt, Catherine; Plotkina, Daria; Hoffmann, Arvid. Number 19: Another Victim of the COVID‐19 Pandemic?. 2022. 52 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/07.

17. Candelon, Bertrand; Hasse, Jean-Baptiste. Testing for Causality between Climate Policies and Carbon Emissions Reduction. 2022. 15 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/05.

18. De Winne, Rudy; Luong, Nhung; Palan, Stefan. Retail Investors’ Disposition Effect and Order Choices. 2022. 45 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/12.

19. Roccazzella, Francesco; Candelon, Bertrand. Should we care about ECB inflation expectations?. 2022. 49 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/04.

20. Lassance, Nathan; Vanderveken, Rodolphe; Vrins, Frédéric. On the optimal combination of naive and mean-variance portfolio strategies. 2022. 86 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/06.

21. Leccadito, Arturo; Staino, Alessandro; Toscano, Pietro. A Novel Robust Method for Estimating the Covariance Matrix of Financial Returns with Applications to Risk Management. 2022. 38 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/11.

22. Belkhir, Mohamed; Ben Naceur, Sami; Candelon, Bertrand; Wijnandts, Jean-Charles. Macroprudential Policies, Economic Growth and Banking Crises. 2022. 56 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/10.

23. Guimaraes Togeiro De Moura, Rubens. MultiATSM: An R Package for Arbitrage-free Multicountry Affine Term Structure of Interest Rates Models with Unspanned Macroeconomic Risk. 2022. 29 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/01.

24. Hafner, Christian; Linton, Oliver; Wang, Linqi. Dynamic Autoregressive Liquidity (DArLiQ). 2022. 80 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper ISBA; LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/09; 2022/02.

25. Iania, Leonardo; Algieri, Bernardina; Leccadito, Arturo. Forecasting total energy’s CO2 emissions. 2022. 58 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2022/03.

26. Beguin, Malo. Harmonization, Mutual Recognition or National Treatment: a Melitz approach. 2021. 34 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/10.

27. Candelon, Bertrand; Luisi, Angelo; Roccazzella, Francesco. Fragmentation in the European Monetary Union: Is it really over?. 2021. 49 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/15.

28. Özgür, Arslan-Ayaydin; Thewissen, James; Torsin, Wouter. Earnings Management Methods and CEO Political Affiliation. 2021. 48 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/17.

29. Henry, Elaine; Thewissen, James; Torsin, Wouter. International Earnings Announcements: Tone, Forward-looking Statements, and Informativeness. 2021. 46 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/16.

30. Pastwa, Anna M.; Shrestha, Prabal Man; Thewissen, James; Torsin, Wouter. Unpacking the black box of ICO white papers: a topic modeling approach. 2021. 58 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/18.

31. De Backer, Bruno; Dewachter, Hans; Iania, Leonardo. Macrofinancial information on the post- COVID-19 economic recovery: will it be V, U or L-shaped?. 2021. 22 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/02.

32. Candelon, Bertrand; Fuerst, Franz; Hasse, Jean-Baptiste. Diversification Potential in Real Estate Portfolios. 2021. 27 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/01.

33. Babii, Adrii; Ghysels, Eric; Striaukas, Jonas. Machine Learning Time Series Regressions With an Application to Nowcasting. 2021. 32 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/04.

34. DeMiguel, Victor; Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Optimal portfolio diversification via independent component analysis. 2021. 56 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/14.

35. D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy; Merli, Maxime. Do retail investors bite off more than they can chew? A close look at their return objectives. 2021. 50 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/03.

36. Barbagli, Matteo; Vrins, Frédéric. Asymptotic Single Risk Factor Models with Stochastic and Correlated Loss Given Default. 2021. 40 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/09.

37. Lassance, Nathan. Maximizing the Out-of-Sample Sharpe Ratio. 2021. 48 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/13.

38. D'Hondt, Catherine; El Hichou El Maya, Younes; Petitjean, Mikael. Blaming or praising passive ETFs?. 2021. 31 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/08.

39. D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy; Todorovic, Aleksandar. Target Returns and Negative Interest Rates. 2021. 29 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/11.

40. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Portfolio Selection: A Target-Distribution Approach. 2021. 52 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/05.

41. Vrins, Frédéric; Wang, Linqi. Asymmetric short-rate model without lower bound. 2021. 36 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/06.

42. Candelon, Bertrand; Guimaraes Togeiro De Moura, Rubens. A Multicountry Model of the Term Structures of Interest Rates with a GVAR. 2021. 43 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/07.

43. Herr, Donovan; Clausse, Emilien; Vrins, Frédéric. Migration to the PRIIPs framework: what impact on the European risk indicator of UCITS funds ?. 2021. 24 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper LFIN 2021/12.

44. Bellotti, Anthony; Brigo, Damiano; Gambetti, Paolo; Vrins, Frédéric. Forecasting recovery rates on non-performing loans with machine learning. 2020. 36 p. LFIN Working Paper 2020/02.

45. Candelon, Bertrand; Luisi, Angelo. Testing for the Validity of W in GVAR models. 2020. 41 p. LFIN Working Paper 2020/09.

46. Gambetti, Paolo; Roccazzella, Francesco; Vrins, Frédéric. Meta-learning approaches for recovery rate prediction. 2020. 30 p. LFIN Working Paper 2020/07.

47. Corneille, Olivier; D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy; Efendic, Emir; Todorovic, Aleksandar. What leads people to tolerate negative interest rates on their savings?. 2020. 25 p. LFIN Working Paper 2020/05.

48. De Winne, Rudy. Measuring the disposition effect. 2020. 44 p. LFIN Working Paper 2020/01.

49. Desagre, Christophe; D'Hondt, Catherine; Petitjean, Mikael. The rise of fast trading: Curse or blessing for liquidity?. 2020. xxx xxx.

50. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Minimum Rényi entropy portfolios. 2019. 33 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2019/01.

51. Efendic, Emir; D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy; Corneille, Olivier. Negative interest rates may be more psychologically acceptable than assumed: Implications for savings. 2019. 27 p. xxx xxx.

52. Lassance, Nathan; Vrins, Frédéric. Robust portfolio selection using sparse estimation of comoment tensors. 2019. 25 p. LFIN Working Paper 2020/03.

53. Bereau, Sophie; Gnabo, Jean-Yves; VANHOMWEGEN, Henri. Making a difference: European mutual funds distinctiveness and peers' performance. 2019. 57 p. CORE Discussion Papers 2019/15.

54. Roccazzella, Francesco. Credit market frictions and rational agents' myopia: Modeling financial frictions and shock to expectations in a DSGE setting estimated on Slovenian data. 2019. 41 p. LFIN Working Papers 2019/4.

55. Christophe Desagre; Catherine D'Hondt. Googlization and retail investors' trading activity. 2019. 39 p. LFIN Working Paper 2020/04.

56. D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy; Ghysels, Eric; Raymond, Steve. Artificial Intelligence Alter Egos: Who benefits from Robo-investing?. 2019. 75 p. xxx xxx.

57. Degryse, Hans; De Winne, Rudy; Gresse, Carole; Payne, Richard. Cross-Venue Liquidity Provision: High Frequency Trading and Ghost Liquidity. 2019. xxx xxx.

58. Mbaye, Cheikh; Vrins, Frédéric. Affine term-structure models: A time-changed approach with perfect fit to market curves. 2019. 55 p. LFIN Working Papers 2019/5.

59. Bellofatto, Anthony; Broihanne, Marie-Hélène; D'Hondt, Catherine. Appetite for information and trading behavior. 2019. 34 p. xxx xxx.

60. Petitjean, Mikael. Implicit transaction cost management using intraday price dynamics. 2018. 23 p. xxx xxx.

61. Bellofatto, Anthony; D'Hondt, Catherine; De Winne, Rudy. Subjective Financial Literacy and Retail Investors' Behavior. 2018. xxx xxx.

62. Desagre, Christophe; D'Hondt, Catherine. Googlization and retail investment decisions. 2018. 23 p. xxx xxx.

63. Petitjean, Mikael. What explains the success of reward-based crowdfunding campaigns as they unfold?. 2018. 8 p. xxx xxx.

64. Candelon, Bertrand; Hasse, Jean-Baptiste; Lajaunie, Quentin. SRI: Truths and lies. 2018. 37 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2018/34.

65. Weber, Matthias; Striaukas, Jonas; Schumacher, Martin; Binder, Harald. Network constrained covariate coefficient and connection sign estimation. 2018. 20 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2018/18.

66. Profeta, Christophe; Vrins, Frédéric. Piecewise constant martingales and lazy clocks. 2017. 18 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2017/31.

67. Iania, Leonardo; Hans Dewachter; Marco Lyrio. Information in the yield curve: A Macro-Finance approach. 2014. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No 254.

68. D'Hondt, Catherine; Mazza, Paolo; Majois, Christophe. Commonality on Euronext: Do Location and Account Type Matter?. 2014. xxx xxx.

69. De Winne, Rudy; Gresse, Carole; Platten, Isabelle. Liquidity and Risk Sharing Benefits from the Introduction of an ETF. 2012. 46 p. xxx xxx.


1. Thewissen, James; Özgür Arslan-Ayaydin; André Dorsman. Regulations in the energy industry : financial, economic and legal implications. 2020. 9783030322953.pages.