Get a Visa


Apply for a Visa (Non-European students):

Key Points:

  • Start Early: Begin your visa application as soon as possible, as the process can take up to 90 days.
  • Dual Nationality: If you have both European and non-European nationality, you will be treated as a European student (ensure this is reflected in your Mobility Online profile).
  • ASP Student Visa: A long-term ASP Student Visa is required for registration at UCLouvain and the City Hall.
  • Proof of Registration: Official proof of registration will be available on your student intranet account after UCLouvain registration. However, you can start your application with the UCLouvain Admission Letter which will be emailed to you by the Registrar's Office.
  • Chinese Students: Students from China are exempt from the ASP Certificate if they present the APS Exemption Letter sent by LSM after their nomination.
  • Financial Proof: You may need to provide proof of financial sufficiency to the embassy.


To receive all the information about the financial proof of sufficiency, consult this page


Refer to the UCLouvain Enrollment Office page for more information about the UCLouvain Registration procedure.