Archives for CORE


LED Seminar

Ozge Demirci (Harvard Business School) will give a presentatio on: Who is AI replacing? The impact of ChatGPT on online freelancing platforms. ZOOM link Abstract: This paper studies the impact of generative AI technologies on the demand for online freelancers, using a large...
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OR seminars

POSTPONED Dr. Allan Sapucaia - CORE will give a presentation on Optimizing over path-length matrices of unrooted binary trees Abstract: We characterize the set Θn of the path-length matrices induced by unrooted binary trees with n leaves, based in part on a strengthening of...
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar 08/11

Shiva Shekar (Tilburg) Will give a presentation on: The Bright Side of the GDPR: Welfare-improving Privacy Management Abstract: We study the GDPR's opt-in requirement in a model with a firm that provides a digital service and consumers who are heterogeneous in their valuations of the...
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OR seminars

Dehaybe Henri - CORE will give a presentation on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Inventory Optimisation with Non-Stationary Uncertain Demand Abstract: We consider here a single-item lot sizing problem with fixed costs, lead time, and both backorders and lost sales, and we show that,...
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar

! ! ! ! !   Seminar postponed to a later date. More info coming soon ... ! ! ! ! !  Paul Belleflamme (CORE) will give a presentation on Strategically free Abstract -------------------------------- On many two-sided platforms, one group of users can...
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