Archives for CORE

CORE Brown Bag Seminar

Leonardo MADIO  (University of Padova) will give a presentation on : Design and governance of quality on a digital platform This paper studies the incentives of a platform to curate quality of third-party products it hosts. There are two types of sellers. "Normal sellers'' have...
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CORE Seminar

M. Mohsin Hakeem (NUCB Business School, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Nagoya, Japan)   will give a presentation on:   Crafting Narratives, Fostering Insight: Case Studies in Platform Strategy   In the realm of business...
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LED Seminar

John Horton (MIT Sloan School of Management) will give a presentation on: Large Language Models as Simulated Economic Agents: What Can We Learn from Homo Silicus? Newly-developed large language models (LLM)—because of how they are trained and designed—are implicit computational...
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OR seminars - cancelled

CANCELLED Dr. Quentin Lété - ETH Zürich will give a presentation on Power Generation Investment under Zonal Electricity Pricing with Market-Based Re-dispatch Abstract: There is currently an intense debate in Europe on the allocation transmission capacity in the internal...
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar

Robin Ng (University of Mannheim) will give a presentation on Competition through Recommendations Abstract: This paper explores if and how platforms should design informative recommendation systems. I show that monopolist platforms prefer recommendation systems that are more...
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