Archives for CORE


OR seminars

Alan Rodolfo Osorio Mora - University of Bologna will give a presentation on  Algorithms for latency routing and location routing problems Abstract: The latency location routing problem (LLRP) is a relatively new variant of the well-known location routing problem. Given a set of...
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Conférences en mémoire du Professeur Jacques Drèze

Etant donné que le nombre de personnes qui peuvent assister à la conférence est limité, l'inscription est grauite et obligatoire avant le lundi 25 septembre 2023.  Vous pouvez vous inscrire via ce lien: Vous trouverez le programme sur...
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar

François Maniquet will give a presentation on Well-being measurement with reference consumption Abstract: We axiomatically study how to measure well-being when individuals have heterogeneous preferences and consumption bundles are evaluated by comparison with some reference bundle (a...
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LED Seminar

Hanna Halaburda (NYU Stern School of Business) will give a presentation on Blockchains, Tokens, and Platforms. Abstract The development of blockchains technologies, including smart contracts and cryptographic tokens, have a potential to change the competition between platforms....
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Workshop "Recent Advances in Econometrics"

The workshop gathers internationally renowned econometricians to promote and inspire research in econometrics and adjacent fields at UCLouvain. The topics cover econometric and statistical theory and methodology with a wide range of applications in economics and finance. Research in...
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