Archives for CORE


CORE Brown Bag Seminar

Francesco Capozza; Erasmus University Rotterdam & Tinbergen Institute will give a presentation on Who Should Get the Money? Estimating Welfare Weights in the US Abstract: Welfare weights measure the value of providing an additional dollar of consump- tion to individuals in...
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LED Seminar

Emil Palikot (Stanford Graduate School of Business) will give a presentation on Smiles In Profiles: Improving Fairness and Efficiency Using Estimates of User Preferences in Online Marketplaces Abstract Online platforms often face challenges being both fair (i.e.,...
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Séminaire d’épistémologie

!!! Séminaire reporté au 8 mars « Du chiffre au discours » 14h30 Sébastien Van Bellegem (CORE). Introduction 14h45 Jean-Noël Ferrié (CNRS, UIR Rabat). Ni la nature ni les chiffres ne parlent d’eux-mêmes : sur l’insertion des données scientifiques dans le discours...
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar

Liana Nersisyan will give a presentation on: Oil Price Shocks and Bond Risk Premia: Evidence from a Panel of 15 Countries Abstract: We study the effect of oil price shocks on bond risk premia. Based on Baumeister and Hamilton (2019), we identify the different sources of oil price shocks...
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar

Matteo Bulgarelli will give a presentation on: The Environmental Implications of Renting the Runway Abstract: I study the impact on clothing production of subscription-based leasing arrangements: I adopt a stylized setup that features two competitive fringes of retailers and an...
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