Archives for CORE

Operations Research Seminar

Operations Research Seminar: Mette Björndal

Congestion Management in a Stochastic Dispatch Model for Electricity Markets Mette Björndal, Norwegian School of Economics We consider an electricity market organized with two settlements: one for a pre-delivery (day-ahead) market and one for real time, where uncertainty regarding production...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Paul Heidhues, University of Dusseldorf

Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning Paul Heidhues, University of Dusseldorf We explore the learning process and behavior of an individual with unrealistically high expectations (“overconfidence”) when outcomes also depend on an external fundamental that affects the optimal...
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IMMAQ-LSM Talk: Paul de Grauwe

IMMAQ, together with LSM, is organizing a talk with Paul de Grauwe (LSE) where he will present his latest book, The Limits of the Market: The Pendulum between Government and Market. The event will be held at UCL (Place de l'Université 1, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve) on Wednesday, November 15,...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Huanwei Huang, LSE

Germs, Roads and Trade: Resilience of Globally Sourcing Firms in Face of the SARS Epidemic Huanwei Huang (LSE) Global sourcing has allowed firms to find the best input from a global market but also exposed them to foreign shocks. Which firms are more resilient to shocks along the supply...
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Operations Research Seminar

Yuji Shinano, Zuse Institute Berlin

Harnessing over a Million CPU Cores to Solve a Single Hard Mixed Integer Programming Problem on a Supercomputer Yuji Shinano, Zuse Institute Berlin Mixed integer programming (MIP) is a general form to model combinatorial optimization problems and has many industrial applications. The...
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