Archives for CORE

Econometrics Seminar

Bertrand Candelon, Institut Louis Bachelier

Globalization and the New Normal Hypothesis Bertrand Candelon, Institut Louis Bachelier Persistently lower economic growth after the global financial crisis has altered the global political discourse. Protectionism and isolationism are gaining ground. But is globalization the culprit? As...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Peter Dolton, University of Sussex

The Optimal Length of the Working Day: Evidence from Hawthorne Experiments Peter Dolton, University of Sussex What is the optimal length of the working day? We estimate the causal impact of daily hours worked on marginal productivity using data from the famous Hawthorne experiment in...
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EDEEM Jamboree

Check the EDEEM website for more information on the 2017 Summer Meeting.
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Operations Research Seminar

Seminar: Sauleh Siddiqui

An Exact Solution Method for Binary Equilibrium Problems with Compensation and the Power Market Uplift Problem Sauleh SIDDIQUI, The John Hopkins University We propose a novel method to find Nash equilibria in games with binary decision variables by including compensation payments and...
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SoFiE Summer School

SoFiE Financial Econometrics Schools 2017

The SoFiE Financial Econometrics Schools are annual week-long research-based courses for Ph.D. students and new faculty in financial econometrics. The Brussels SoFiE Summer School will be held at the National Bank of Belgium on June 26-30, 2017. For more information and regsitration, please...
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