Archives for CORE

Seminar: Robert Somogyi

Capacity Constraints, Zero-rating and Net Neutrality Robert Somogyi, CORE, Université catholique de Louvain The presentation will be based on two of his works: 1)  Monopoly Pricing with Dual Capacity Constraints This paper studies the price-setting behavior of a monopoly facing...
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Seminar: Ignacio A. Solis

An Asynchronous Distributed Algorithm for Solving Stochastic Unit Commitment Ignacio ARAVENA SOLIS, CORE, Université catholique de Louvain (with Anthony Papavasilou) We present an asynchronous algorithm for solving the stochastic unit commitment (SUC) problem using scenario...
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Seminar: Karen Macours

Schooling, Learning, and Earnings: Long-term Effects of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Nicaragua Karen Macours (PSE, Paris) CCT programs have become the anti-poverty program of choice in many developing countries. Numerous evaluations, often based on rigorous experimental designs,...
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Seminar: Thuc Huan Ha

 Social Welfare and the Rebound Effect of the Scraps Collection System Thuc Huan Ha, CORE, Université catholique de Louvain In a simple two-period model, we examine the interaction between an extractor and a recycler competing in an industry, facing different rates of scraps...
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Seminar: Arnaud Doucet

The Correlated Pseudo-Marginal Method for Inference in Latent Variable Models Arnaud DOUCET, Oxford University (joint work George Deligiannidis and Michael K. Pitt) The pseudo-marginal algorithm is a popular variant of the Metropolis--Hastings scheme which allows us to sample...
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