Archives for CORE

Seminar: Marc Hallin

R-Estimation in Semiparametric Dynamic Location-Scale Models Marc HALLIN, ECARES, Université libre de Bruxelles (with D. La Vecchia) Ranks offer a flexible, powerful, and too often neglected alternative to quasi-likelihood methods in econometrics.Here we propose rank-based estimation...
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Seminar: Valérie Smeets

Multi-product Firms, Import Competition and the Evolution of Firm-product Technical Efficiencies Valérie Smeets (Aarhus University) We study how increased import competition induced by falling Chinese import tariffs affects the evolution of firm-product technical efficiencies in the small...
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Seminar: Olivier Le Courtois

Credit Benchmarking, Risk Premium Adjustment Factors, and Credit Solvency Capital Requirements. A Recovery-based Approach Olivier LE COURTOIS, EMLyon Business School (with Jeremy Allali and Mohamed Majri) This article constructs a recovery-based framework for computing the credit...
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Seminar: Philippe Chevalier

Models for horizontal supply chain collaboration Philippe CHEVALIER, CORE, Université catholique de Louvain Horizontal collaboration can enable firms to reap economies of scale. In this talk we will present models for different types of collaboration ranging from Joint Ventures to joint...
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CORE Lecture Series by Jacques Drèze

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