Natalia Ramírez Torres / Thesis defense "Understanding the entrepreneurial effort: From disruptive innovations to disruptive moments"

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

January 10, 2022

14:00 CET



Place Rabelais

The Rector of UCLouvain and the Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences announce that Mrs Natalia Ramírez Torres will publicly support her dissertation, for the title of Doctor in Economics and Management Sciences of UCLouvain.

Title: "Understanding the entrepreneurial effort: From disruptive innovations to disruptive moments"

"The thesis discusses the entrepreneurial effort before and during disruptions.  It considers that disruptions force entrepreneurs to be resilient and innovate. Therefore, this thesis is a look at three different angles. At first, the theoretical background on disruptive innovations as the most representative disruption creator is discussed. This essay focuses on the entrepreneurial practices to disrupt with a new value proposal and change the industry rules. Once the disruption is created, it continues as a constant disruption for competitors and disruptors. The second essay empirically explores the operationalization behind the acceleration process in the disruption. Precisely, what entrepreneurial practices disruptors use to speed up, with an innovative business model to overcome the process. The identification of the practices shows an evolution over the disruption process as part of their resilience. Lastly, the third essay retakes the entrepreneurial resilience concept in the frame of the covid crisis as a disruption moment to understand the social construction through media. This critical perspective possesses questions and claims for disruptive moments. The integration and sequence of these three essays analyze disruptions at theoretical, empirical, and critical views, bringing insightful practical and theoretical contributions."

Monday 10.01.22, 14:00 @ Salle Vaes, Place Rabelais, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

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