Mission, Vision and Values

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Join the people using management as a force for good.

Our mission

"We shape people who will create the conditions for shared purpose and long-term action – tomorrow’s enlightened and enlightening leaders"

Our vision

"To be the preferred international management school in Europe
and one of the leading responsible management schools in the world

Our values

We are proud to be part of UCLouvain and to share its humanistic values. In the best humanist tradition, we stress having a critical mindset. We do not just fill students with currently fashionable ideas. We nurture future managers and decision-makers who challenge what is known and not known, and how things have always been done. People who think and reason out of the box. We don’t repeat – we advance. We create knowledge. We innovate. We enlighten.

Arising from this solid foundation for its positioning are our core traits of passion for pedagogy, openness to all the world, and deep integration of ethics, responsibility and sustainability. These three traits, described below, are how LSM presents itself to students, faculty, and partners. They reflect a strategy of differentiation, guided by our mission of shaping the enlightening leaders of tomorrow, and based on a tagline that has remained unchanged for all these years: “Excellence and Ethics in Management”.



We genuinely love to teach and help students grow, and we have great pedagogical innovations to show.

As the world and students continually change, further advances in effective teaching and learning are a real need; they also can help differentiate LSM as an international leader in management education.

The LSM Compass

To guide stakeholders in the practical implementation of the School’s distinctive set of values, in 2009 work began on a so-called “Competency Framework”. Over two years, recent graduates, corporate representatives, faculty members, students and management education experts worked together to define our common objective in terms of the type of people we seek to be and develop.

The result was a 9-point diagram of personal and professional traits, arranged in the form of a compass to help show the relationships between them. At the centre is “corporate citizenship”, supported immediately by acquisition of “knowledge and reasoning” and commitment to “a scientific and systematic approach”, and at another level, by 6 transversal personal skills and attitudes.

Competency framework

Use of the “Competency Framework” began in the previous EQUIS review period with its application for a thorough renewal of the objectives and intended learning outcomes of all the School’s programmes and courses. During the current review period, application of the LSM Compass has been extended as a way to orient all stakeholders regarding our common identity, objectives and attitudes, and as a guide for the overall strategic direction of the School.


The modern logo of UCLouvain represents an open window. Through it one can see the whole world – and climb through to explore or take part. Indeed, part of excellence in management education today is being international in a coherent and inclusive way, while ensuring abundant links to the corporate world, in all its diversity.


Ethics, responsibility and sustainability are not side thoughts for LSM but the core of all it does. ERS is integrated everywhere: in curricula (it is the heart of the LSM Compass that defines learning outcomes), in faculty research, and in operations. EQUIS peers in 2019 called ERS an “area of excellence”, writing that “comments from alumni, corporate representatives and students […] made clear that the commitment to ERS is a differentiator for the School.” 

Taking the Six Principles of the PRME (www.unprme.org) as a guiding framework, our School is willing to integrate corporate responsibility and sustainability into all our activities.


UCLouvain Transition Wheel