In the frame of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) course, 1st year Master's students took part to the Sulitest at the beginning and at the end of the course during the first semester. The purpose was twofold: providing students with a view on the evolution of their level of knowledge regarding CSR throughout the course and providing an additional learning opportunity and reference material. As a result, students’ scores significantly increased over the semester, demonstrating the positive impact of lectures, practical sessions and team projects provided during the CSR course.
The Sulitest provides free, accessible, global and locally relevant tools assessing the general knowledge of academic and non-academic stakeholders as well as organizations in terms of Sustainable Literacy (Su Li test). It is designed to improve sustainable literacy and raise awareness and understanding of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
The Sulitest, totalling more than 120,000 candidates since its launch, is provided by the Sulitest Organization, a non-profit organization financially and morally supported by 40 institutions and international networks, like the UN, universities, etc. Among all participating organizations worldwide, the Louvain School of Management ranked second in terms of Sulitests taken in 2018-2019, with more than 1500 tests passed.