News for cism

CISM Newsletter 19.01

The topics are: Important reminder about your publications Maintenance operations on March 12th See the details of this newsletter.
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4th EasyBuild User Meeting

  30 January 2019 to 1 February 2019 Maxwell building UCLouvain   The EasyBuild User Meeting is an open and highly interactive event that provides a great opportunity to meet fellow EasyBuild enthusiasts, discuss related topics and learn about new aspects of the tool....
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CISM Newsletter 18.05

The topics are: EasyBuild User Meeting Reminder about your publications News of the CECI See the details of this newsletter.
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Next CUCISM November 19th, 2019 2pm

The next meeting of the members of the Board, CUCISM ( "Comité des Utilisateurs") is scheduled for November 19th, 2019 2pm (location will be specified). Your representative can report your enquiry or provide you further information. UCL members (intranet) have access to the CUCISM...
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CISM Newsletter 18.04

The topics are: CISM/CÉCI HPC Training sessions Partition cp3-fast sur Manneback Maintenance on a Power Distribution Unit Lemaitre3 See the details of this newsletter.
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