News for lsm

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

CEMS / Brillant involvement of our Corporate Partners in...

CEMS Corporate Partners have brilliantly taken up the challenge of going digital and continue to deliver high quality skills seminars to the students of the CEMS programme. No less than 13 exclusive seminars have been given thanks to them this Fall. Thanks to AB-InBev, Bain, BCG, Deloitte,...
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Ethics & Compliance / Guest intervention with NewB and...

As part of the Business Ethics and Compliance Management course, more than 100 students from LSM participated on 24.11.20 to an interactive guest lecture with Charles van Doorslaer, Compliance Officer at NewB. With the aim to build a new ethical and sustainable bank, NewB is now in the...
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Assessing sustainability knowledge of our students /...

The course of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) given to Master 1 LSM students came to an end early November. Throughout the course, students have learned about various aspects of CSR through applied projects, exercises, interactive lectures and guest speakers’ sharings.   To...
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"The importance of a good SDG training" / An interview...

"The goals related to sustainable development make it essential to have good training in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Valérie Swaen, Professor of CSR at the Louvain School of Management, tells us more." "L’importance de la formation aux ODD", Mediaplanet
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16.12.20 / Conférence "Naviguer en pleine incertitude"

L’UCLouvain FUCaM Mons, en partenariat avec le programme Interreg TRANSFIRM, l’Alifucam et Synergie, ont le plaisir de vous convier à la conférence-débat intitulée "Naviguer en pleine incertitude : quelles leçons entrepreneuriales tirer pour une ère post-COVID-19 moins trouble ?". Cette...
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