Fline is an interactive breathalyzer terminal which could found in events, bars and nightclubs.
Coupled with a personal and portable test linked to a smartphone application, it displays the blood alcohol level, and indicates the time it takes to go below the legal limit in order to help users get home safely. Fline also provides awareness messages such as the amount of the risky fine.
Designed by our students Zachary Roland and Adelin Jacques de Dixmude, both coached by Stéphane Roumieux from Yncubator, Fline won a 5000€ grant thanks to the support of the Albert Vanhee Fund for Future Generations. This will enable the Fline team, already composed of five members, to seek professional expertise to create the design and plans for their final kiosk.
More information about the PEPS-Entrepreneur programme
Application deadline: 03.02.20
Photo credit: Fline