27th Conference of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning
28-31 August 2019, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
First call for participation – EUROCALL 2019 – online registration now open!
We are happy to invite you to register online for EUROCALL 2019: www.eurocall2019.be/registration/
The 2019 conference will be hosted by UCLouvain (CECL & CENTAL), in collaboration with KU Leuven (ITEC, imec).
The guiding conference theme will be CALL and complexity.
Key thematic strands
CALL for social inclusion
CMC and telecollaboration
Corpora and language learning
Digital bi- and multi-literacies
Digital game-based language learning
Intelligent CALL (ICALL)
Mobile assisted language learning (MALL)
Natural language processing applications in CALL
Open Educational Resources and practices
Research trends in CALL
SLA principles in CALL
Task complexity in CALL
Teacher education and professional development in CALL
The complexity, accuracy, fluency (CAF) framework of proficiency in CALL (research and applications)
Virtual Reality and gamification in language learning
Important dates
Deadline for early-bird registration |
15 May 2019 |
Deadline for presenters |
01 June 2019 |
Deadline for normal registration |
31 July 2019 |
Late registration starts |
01 August 2019 |
Deadline for online registration |
14 August 2019 |
Contact information
Any queries relating to the conference should be sent to eurocall2019@uclouvain.be
On behalf of the EUROCALL 2019 organizing team
Fanny Meunier (CECL, UCLouvain)
Conference Chair
Serge Bibauw (ITEC, KU Leuven & CENTAL, UCLouvain)
Frederik Cornillie (ITEC, KU Leuven)
Sylvie De Cock (CECL, UCLouvain & Université Saint-Louis)
Piet Desmet (ITEC, KU Leuven)
Cédrick Fairon (CENTAL, UCLouvain)
Thomas François (CENTAL, UCLouvain)
Germain Simons (Université de Liège)
Anaïs Tack (CENTAL, UCLouvain & ITEC, KU Leuven)
Julie Van de Vyver (CECL, UCLouvain)