Other tests


What analyses do we perform?

Antiretroviral resistance and tropism testing based on HIV proviral DNA
Measured parameters
- Protease and reverse transcriptase sequencing 
- Sequencing of gp120 (= determination of tropism)

  • QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit
  • BIGDYE Termninator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit
  • QIAquick PCR Purification Kit
  • BIGDYE X-Terminator Purification Kit

Sample Compliance
Volume Required 

200 ul of cells or cell pellet
2 ml of blood collected on EDTA
Samples cannot be :
- be hemolyzed
- centrifuged

Samples are collected on EDTA or ACD-A:
- after collection, the whole blood sample must arrive at the laboratory within 24 hours at room temperature or within 48 hours in the refrigerator.

Request forms
- FO(CLIN)01 Genotype (in French)
- FO(CLIN)02 Genotype (in Dutch) 

Response time
28 days

What tests do we perform?

Genotyping and HCV resistance testing
Measured parameters
- Sequencing of the NS3 Protease, NS5A Protein and NS5B Polymerase genes of the hepatitis C virus.

  • Next-Generation Sequencing platform (Sentosa SQ® HCV Genotyping Assay v 2.0)

Sample compliance
Volume required 

  • 3,000 ul of plasma, serum

Samples cannot be :
- be hemolyzed

Samples are collected on EDTA:
- after collection, whole blood sample must arrive at the laboratory within 24 hours at room temperature or within 48 hours in the refrigerator.
- after centrifugation, the plasma must arrive at the laboratory within 24 hours at room temperature, within 5 days in the refrigerator or frozen.
NB : Use polypropylene tubes resistant to -80° C with screw cap.

Request forms
FO(CLIN)24 HCV genotype (in French)

Response time
28 days