Archives for CPDR


Webinar | Vulnerability and Data Protection law

Prof. Gianclaudio Malgieri will be our ghest in this DRAILS workshop, for a presentation on his latest book, Vulnerability and Data Protection law, followed by a discussion with the audience. ♦ Attendance is free but registration online is required to receive the invitation. Summary...
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Webinar | Smart Cities and Human Rights

Dr. Alina Wernick will be our ghest in this DRAILS workshop, for a presentation on Smart Cities and Human Rights, followed by a discussion with the audience. ♦ Attendance is free but registration online is required to receive the invitation. Summary The public sector has been rapidly...
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Séminaire du 3e cycle | PHIGOV | LISP 3200

" La relation au Dehors : vers une autre ontologie des relations ". Intervenants : Arthur Moury, Université Saint-Louis & Antoine Renzo, UClouvain. Prenant acte du caractère hétéroclite du champ philosophique se réclamant d'une ontologie des relations, cette intervention se donne pour...
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Séminaire du 3e cycle | LISP 3200

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Séminaire du 3e cycle | PHIGOV | LISP 3200

"La dimension sociale de la phénoménologie critique ". Intervenant·e·s: Delia Popa, Villa Nova University  &  laan Reynolds, Utah Valley Universtiy. ► Séminaire du 3e cycle | LISP 3200 - Partie 2. Responsable : Prof. Marc Maesschalck Information : Juliano B. Ferreira...
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