Archives for HOOVER

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Mich "Towards a Just Europe ? Discussing Labareda's...

Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Pietro Intropi Which principles of justice should make up a theory of distributive justice for the European Union? And what should be the role of the EU, vis à vis that of its member states, in realising justice in the EU? In this paper I discuss a theory...
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Mich "Neoliberalisme(s) en Belgique

Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Zoé Evrard et Damien Piron (ULiege) Au cœur de multiples débats, le néolibéralisme « à la belge » demeure pourtant peu étudié. Cet ouvrage offre la première analyse empirique et pluridisciplinaire des trajectoires de néolibéralisation à l’œuvre depuis près...
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Hybrid Workshop on the Political Theory of Migration

The Hoover Chair at UCLouvain is hosting a casual yet rich hybrid workshop on ongoing work in the political theory of migration. The workshop seeks to promote exchanges on ongoing developments without a theme-specific approach. Speakers will touch upon subjects including the role of individuals...
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Mich "Pourquoi la propriété privé ?

Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Eric Fabri
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"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #13

Philippe Van Parijs (UCLouvain). Evolutionary Explanation in the Social Sciences In my Oxford DPhil thesis, which became my first book (Evolutionary Explanation in the Social Sciences. An emerging paradigm, Rowman & Littlefield, 1981), I wanted to explore the space of social-scientific...
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