Archives for L4NUTRI


10/12/2019 Louvain4Nutrition Interdisciplinary Seminar

On 10 December 2019, Louvain4Nutrition is pleased to invite you to join the next Louvain4Nutrition interdisciplinary seminar. The seminar will feature presentations by researchers from the 3 different sectors of the University on food and nutrition.
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High Hopes from the Low Lands

TIFN - Food Summit on Personalised Nutrition

The summit will take place on December 4, 2019 in Wageningen, in the centre of the Netherlands. Experts from different areas of personalised nutrition research are welcome to join.
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Hot topic seminar: Nutrition research in the context of...

The objectives of the seminar are to stimulate reflection and discussion among young researchers, in particular PhD students working in all domains of nutrition science, on how their research fits within the broad framework of the SDGs and how it may contribute to meeting one or more of the SDGs .
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4ème Symposium International de la chaire J.A. DeSève de...

Three Academies of Medicine are co-organizing a symposium on inflammation in Brussels on 7 November 2019.
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FOOD 2030: Nourishing people and nurturing the planet...

World Food Day 2019 is calling for action across sectors to make sustainable healthy diets affordable and available to everyone.
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