10 février 2022
11 février 2022
14:00 -19:30
Two days Hoover Alumni conference in economic and social ethics
February 10-11 - Louvain-la-Neuve - Hybrid mode
On the occasion of the Hoover Chair in economic and social ethics’ 30th birthday, we decided to launch a new initiative aimed at bringing together the community of former visitors and fellows of the Chair. This will be an occasion for them to present and discuss their work in progress in the typically informal atmosphere of the Hoover Chair, trying to mix a spirit of kindness, sharpness, constructiveness… with a touch of humour.
Poster Hoover Chair Diaspora
Free but registration required, contact person: chaire-hoover@uclouvain.be
Day 1 – Thursday, February 10, 2022
Panel 1 Diversity and Integration (14:00-15:45)
Chair: Thierry Ngosso, U. St. Gallen, Switzerland, (Hoover Member 2011-15)
Discussant: Diana Popescu, King’s College, London, (Hoover Visitor 2018-19)
Michela Riminucci, Kōbe U., Japan, (Hoover Visitor 2017-18):
Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Targets: A View from Japan
Julia Moura, Federal U. of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil (Hoover Fellow 2016-17):
Reconciliation, Race and Gender: Are Rawls's answers good enough?
Panel 2 Markets, Incentives, and Self-Interest (16:00-17:45)
Chair: Sandrine Blanc, INSEEC, Paris, (Hoover Fellow 2013-14)
Discussant: Tim Meijers, Leiden U. (Hoover Member 2012-16)
Louis Larue, U. Göteborg, Göteborg, (Hoover Member 2015-16):
What's wrong with the market motive?
Peter Dietsch, Victoria U., Vancouver, (Hoover Fellow 2003-04):
If it’s not your talent, how come we should be paying you an incentive?
Panel 3 Basic Income Revisited (18:00 – 19:15)
Chair: Philippe Van Parijs, Hoover Chair
Discussant: José Luis Rey Pérez, U. Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, (Hoover Visitor 2002-03)
Michael W. Howard, U. of Maine, U.S. (Hoover Fellow 2006-07):
Ecological Basic Income
Jurgen De Wispelaere, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (Hoover Fellow 2002-03):
How Do We Know When Basic Income Experiments Work?
Day 2 – Friday, February 11, 2022
Panel 4 – Equality, Efficiency, Sufficiency (14:00-15:45)
Chair: Andrew Lister, Queen’s U., Kingston, Canada, (Hoover Fellow 2016-17)
Discussant: Grégory Ponthière, Hoover Chair
Marc Fleurbaey, Paris School of Economics, (Hoover Visitor 1992-94):
Efficiency and equity in a society-economy integrated model
Paula Casal, ICREAT/UPF, Barcelona, (Hoover Fellow 2001-02):
Equality, Sufficiency, and Intergenerational Justice
Panel 5 Restricting Freedom(s) (16:00-18:00)
Chair: Andrei Poama, Leiden, U., (Hoover Visitor 2015-16)
Discussant: Iñigo González Ricoy, U. Barcelona, Spain (Hoover Visitor 2012-13)
Nicola Riva, U. Milan, Milan (Hoover Visitor, 2007-08):
Freedom as a Limit to Freedom: An argument for a non-perfectionist paternalism
Greg Bognar, Stockholm U., (Hoover Fellow 2016-17):
The Ethics of Lockdowns
Refia Kaya, TOBB U./Ankara Bar Association, (Hoover Member 2016-20):
Should Religious Discrimination Law Embrace Environmental Commitments?
Political Philosophy in the Real Political Life - Ministerial panel (18h15-19h15)
Chair: Danielle Zwarthoed, (Hoover Member 2016-19)
François Blais, Laval U., Quebec (Former minister of education), (Hoover Fellow 1998-2000)
+ Surprise minister of education (TBC)