Climate Litigation Workshop

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

29 avril 2019

10h - 16h30


Salle visio D011, Place Montesquieu 3

Monday, 29 April 2019

Salle Visio D011, Place Montesquieu 3, Louvain-la-Neuve

Climate Litigation: What are the Current Challenges and Future Potentials?  

Note to speakers and discussants: Each presentation lasts 20’, followed by 5’ comments by the discussant aimed at launching the discussion, and by 20’ discussion with the audience. The workshop is open to anyone interested but inscription is compulsory due to the limited place. Please contact local organizer Refia Kaya (

Morning Chair: Prof. Céline Romainville (UCLouvain, Law)

10h-10h15 Prof. Denis Philippe (UCLouvain, Law - Philippe & Partners)

Introduction Speech and Belgian Klimatzaak

10h15-11h Prof. Chris Hilson (Reading University, Law)

Climate Change Litigation and the Narrative Turn: Law, Courts and Populism

Discussant: Paula Fernandez-Wulff, PhD (Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University)

11h-11h45 Prof. Nicolas de Sadeleer (Université Saint-Louis, UCLouvain, Law)

Climate Change, Uncertainty and Precaution

Discussant: Alessandra Donati (Max Planck Institute, Luxembourg)

11h45-12h Coffee Break

12h-12h45 Prof. Alexandra Aragão (University of Coimbra, Law) (videoconference)

Why not Recognize Diffuse Interests to Climate?

Discussant: Danielle Zwarthoed (UCLouvain, Hoover Chair, Philosophy)

12h45-14h15 Lunch Break

Afternoon Chair: Prof. Charles-Hubert Born

14h15-15h Refia Kaya (UCLouvain, Hoover Chair, Law)

Climate Litigation in Europe: How to Take Separation of Powers Seriously?

Discussant: Camille Pascal (UCLouvain, Hoover Chair, Philosophy)

15h-15h45  Justin Gundlach, JD, LLM (Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU School of Law)

Climate Litigation in the US: Outcomes and Indirect Effects

Discussant: Christine Frison (UCLouvain, Biogov)

15h45-16h30 Marcos de Armenteras Cabot (Rovira i Virgili University, Law)

How Should Courts Approach the Market Substitution Defense in Climate Change Litigation?

Discussant: Matthias Petel (UCLouvain, Law)