EthicsLab’s (Ethics and Public Policy Laboratory): launch week event

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

19 mars 2019

23 mars 2019

After 5 editions of the Yaoundé Seminar, an international summer school established in 2012 to reduce academic inequality between Western and African junior researchers and provide an African platform for debates on political theory, we are happy to announce the creation of the Ethics and Public Policy Laboratory (EthicsLab), a research center and think-thank at the Catholic University of Central Africa in Yaoundé that will ensure a lasting achievement of these goals.

Both the Yaounde Seminars and EthicsLab projects were conceived and refined within the Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics of the Catholic University of Louvain by a group of young doctoral students under the leadership of Thierry Ngosso and with the constant advices and support of Prof. Philippe Van Parijs and Axel Gosseries. To mark EthicsLab’s institutional birth, we will hold a major launch week event in March 19-23, 2019 bringing together prominent scholars from Africa, Europe and America.

EthicsLab will build on the deep philosophical tradition in Cameroon and other French-speaking African countries to define its scientific agenda – free from any political pressure – by giving a voice to African perspectives of moral and political theories, which is seriously lacking in the global justice debate, by reviving the political agency of African societies and by training a new generation of young, high-quality African political theorists and ethicists ready to devote themselves to take on the numerous challenges of our sub-region and Africa more broadly