Mich: Taking the temporal dimension of sustainability seriously

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

27 novembre 2018

de 12h45 à 14h


Place Montesquieu 3 D305

Coline Ruwet (ICHEC),

I want to argue for the importance of introducing the analysis of time to deepen our understanding of the constraints we face to tackle the current sustainability turmoil as well as envisioning new potential pathways for social change. To do so, I will develop two main assumptions: (1) there is a uniqueness in the temporality of most the sustainability issues that deeply transform our time horizon and the pace of change and (2) this situation creates a disruption of our relationship to time that is very difficult to grasp on a subjective and institutional point of views. It is nevertheless crucial if we want to answer meaningfully to the alarming socio-environmental trends that we are currently facing.