Mich "Social Relations With Future People?"

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

07 février 2023

12h45 - 14h00


Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Devon Cass

Relational egalitarianism is the view that justice requires the absence of (certain kinds of) social hierarchy and the presence of (certain kinds of) equal social relations. While this view has in recent years enjoyed a great deal of attention and support, it appears to have a serious limitation.

As some critics argue, it appears unable to provide guidance for intergenerational justice, including the question of what is owed to future generations: since we do not seem to stand in social relations with unborn future people, relational egalitarian concerns cannot apply.
In this paper, I examine this challenge, arguing that there is in fact a distinctive relational egalitarian concern--with the status people have under institutions--that applies in the intergenerational context.