Phoebe Zoe Maria Sanchez entame un séjour post-doctoral d’un an au SMAG/CriDIS

The CriDIS and the SMAG are glad to welcome Professor Phoebe Zoe Maria Sanchez. of the University of the Philippines Cebu, who will stay at our center for a year conducting a post-doctoral research under the supervision of Geoffrey Pleyers. 

Dr Phoebe Sanchez earned a Ph. D. in Sociology from the University of the Philippines in Diliman. She is a renowned Filipino public intellectual with her engagements in the various sectors of the communities in the Philippines, and professionally with the Philippine Sociological Society (PSS) being a member of its Board of Directors.  Dr. Sanchez has received an international award from The International Institute of Knowledge Management, a Global Southern academic institute at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the Future of Women in 2018.

Her current research project at the CriDIS focuses on social movements in the Philippines and on the role of the Catholic church in the support of social movements and its role against authoritarian politics in the last 50 years.

Publié le 29 octobre 2019